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Friday, December 21, 2018

Trump Ending Frivolous Wars

Can this even be happening?

Not since Richard Nixon has an American President actually managed to end an armed conflict that wasn't just won outright. Let's face it, this country no longer fights wars with winning them in mind. Not at all, we fight them to keep the military arms industry afloat.

The United States is the top seller of military arms in the world. We sell twice as much weaponry around the world as #2 Russia. For our weapons industry, PEACE is the enemy. Having peace break out anywhere in the world is bad for business. And because of the diligent efforts of past Presidents and war industry Senators in the U.S. Congress, business has been very, very good.

Since the end of WWII, the war strategy of the U.S. has changed from winning to a constant rotating presence that hasn't proved a bit effectual in winning, stopping or preventing further pain and misery to the countries we occupy. It's really about not killing the job. And if some people get killed along the way, well, that's just business.

Finally out of Syria

We had no business being there in the first place. It was not our conflict since Syria is and remains a sovereign nation. That's supposed to mean something. If it wasn't for the Obama financed "Arab Spring" and his blatant arming of ISIS in the region, the Syrian civil war would have been over years ago and much less blood would have been shed. This intervention only prolonged the war and the pain war inflicts. Russia has every right to defend it's interests in the country since it has had a strong and legally binding relationship with Syria and Assad since at least WWII. That's supposed to mean something too.

Colonial interests drive Europe to press for Syrian intervention. The French in particular remain keenly interested in getting their hooks back into the region and have been behind much of the information surrounding the phony "gas attacks" that seem to serve as an excuse to deplete Syria's dictator Bashir Assad's ability to defend his government from the outsider-backed insurgency.

We were only in Syria so that Bashir Assad and Russia would not win. But legally and in the eyes of the world, there was only so much we could do. Our government and that of France kept trying to manufacture a reason to commit more resources to ultimately overthrow Assad to plunge the country into Libyan style chaos in the hopes that Russia would find their base on the Mediterranean no longer tenable but U.S. public opinion and independent voices in our government would not support such subterfuge.

Now it's time to end the charade.

The United States efforts to overthrow world powers "we don't like" has no basis or support in our laws. It has no reasoning beyond those of a tyrant and have brought us no satisfaction or good results for all the money and time we've spent.

But the U.S. military machine has plenty of time and plenty of money, doesn't it?

Enter the War Hawks.

Representatives of the Military Industrial Machine have come out against President Trump's move to end a military conflict. Florida Senator Marco Rubio has been a big supporter of armed conflict in the Middle East in his 8 years in office. It didn't take too much checking to find out why.

Florida has the largest war industry machine in the nation with 20 major military installations and nearly all of the nation's leading defense contractors. Florida also boasts $13.6 Billion in Department of Defense contracts. In fact, the scope of the state of Florida's involvement in the American "War Effort" is outright staggering.

Now what are they going to do if we stop fighting in the Middle East? Doesn't America know that all those bombs feed people?

At least now I know how Senator Rubio got elected. He's made a deal with the Devil.

A quick search on North Carolina, home to Senator Lindsay Graham, another sudden war hawk, brags on it's "Invest in North Carolina" brochure that they have the Third Largest active duty and reservist population in the United States and yields a skilled workforce pipeline for the defense industry. It has 5 major military bases and is #4 in military economic output with $11 Billion in Department of Defense contracts.

This is why Senator Lindsay Graham supports continued fighting in the Middle East. After all, it's only uneducated non-American poor people we're killing.

The Longer We Stay, the More We Fight

I originally hadn't bought into the "We're making more Radicals" argument when it was originally posed, incidentally, by the Democrats who now suddenly want us to keep our military presence in the Middle East, but over time I find that the region just never seems to run out of people wanting to throw themselves at a tank with a bomb strapped to their body. It reminds me of Major Colonel Bill Kilgore's line in the Vietnam movie "Apocalypse Now" when he asks rhetorically, "Don't these people ever give up?"

It's easy to convince people that the United States is coming for them when they are in your country shooting the place up.

Getting out of Afghanistan

After 17 long, long, long, long years in this country, are they any better off? Are WE? I mean all the "good will" we have sewn over there will come back in Spades, right? They still hate us. They hate us when we are there and they say we've abandoned them when we leave. All they want is our money and they'll never become an independent nation if they take it. It's a circular paradox that is no longer our problem.

We defeated the Talaban when they blew up the Twin Towers in New York way back when and now they've undergone a number of reformations and they either are still a force to be reckoned with or they aren't but frankly they aren't. They are a bunch of armed radicals that will exist whether the U.S. is there or isn't there but without us being there, they will have less guns and weapons to be anything but a group of Muslim killing Muslims since there will be no more Americans to shoot at.

We can't stay there forever and at some point either they will have to take care of themselves or they won't. It's been 17 years. GW Bush spent 7 years trying to get the Afghans ready to fight for themselves. Obama spent 8 years trying to get them ready and they've had 2 years under President Trump. How much more time will they need if they still aren't ready after all this time?

Anyone saying we are "abandoning" Afghanistan now after spending more time there than anywhere in the United State's history of warfare, is just trying to stay on the War Gravey Train that being on the side of Rome often provides. It's a spurious argument.

The Kurds

There is no easy, cheap or quick solution to the Independent Kurdish State issue. The Kurds have always helped out the U.S. in the region. They've fought under both GW Bush and Obama and they're helping now but the glaring fact remains that the United States has neither the authority to establish a Kurdish State or the resources to defend one should they try.

Turkey will not allow an independent Kurdish state under any circumstances and will bring their considerable might against one if established. We weren't in Syria to help the Kurds establish an independent state. They know this. They will have to keep fighting for their independence.

We Have our Own Problems

And a major problem right now is Security at the U.S. Boarder. There is no logic in fighting foreign wars for foreign interests when are going to end up losing the nation here at home.

The American Taxpayer shells out more money than most people in the world produce in a year on defense and welfare spending and both are out of control. The working U.S. citizen scrimps and saves for their retirement and most workers try to sock away dough for their later years. This becomes increasingly hard to do when so much is taken out of your paycheck before it even gets to you.

War is frivolous when it accomplishes nothing. As an industry, it is immoral at best. At worst, it's industrialized murder and whether it is waged in a "humane" fashion or not makes no difference if we are just going about it by rote.

Time to think of the people who fight our wars. We owe it to them and the military families that when we fight, we will fight with purpose and to ultimately win and not so that a military corporation can keep it's stock numbers up. We don't need to have a war for every generation to keep military traditions alive. We should try to interrupt this pattern one time just to see what happens.

Peace could become a habit. 

Saturday, December 1, 2018

EU, NATO, Let Ukraine Down

I'll bet Petro Poroshenko, the Ukrainian President misses all those nuclear weapons his nation gave up at the insistence of his European Union "brothers". Oh, they used to be a nuclear power but since they were going to be part of the EU, they were talked out of having them because the EU said, "We'll help you deal with Russia, don't you worry at all!".

The EU, invincible in peace time, invisible in war time.

Now that the shit is hitting the fan between Russia and their former national bread basket, the European Union and NATO want no part of that altercation. "We've got your back." they have said yet when the bully comes onto the playground, Ukraine turns around and finds they are on their own...again.

Such is what life must be like for the Ukrainian people. Wanting out, wanting in, wanting to be something more than a backwards farm culture and yet always being dragged back into the darkness because they don't have the resources and nobody wants the Russian army, notorious for their ability to kill people indiscriminately and break things knocking on THEIR door.

Also, they buy a lot of booze and stuff.

So Ukraine dangles. It implores, it tries it's best to hold itself together as their European "friends" look on. Will NATO send troops to be a buffer between Russia and Ukraine?

Are you high on drugs? What, do you think this is Kenya or something where all they have are rifles and can't shoot for shit? Hell no, they're not going to send troops.

Will the European Union impose more sanctions on Russia? Will their navies lend a helping hand?

I wouldn't hold my breath. I haven't heard much condemnation coming out of any EU country over the Russian taking of Ukrainian naval vessels.

After all, this is all happening in Europe. Someone is bound to have noticed.

Perhaps they are preparing a response in secret and will spring into action after the G-20 Summit?

Yes, that's it, they are going to take action as soon as they all get back to their countries.

Fat chance. 

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Oil: The Ball Bearing of Industry

Nothing moves without it and without it nothing will move. 

All the solar and wind power in the world isn't going heat your house or keep your air conditioner going all day, all week, all month or all year.  Oil is still the biggest bang for the buck and the world is awash in oil. It's cleaner to store, is transportable and if we need more, it's just right under foot.

Petroleum products are in everything. They grease the gears in wind turbines, they are what electric cars ride on in the form of roads and rubber tires, coat the wires that carry the current, insulate the power supplies and make up the hoses that the coolant passes through from the engine to the radiator. Oil is what makes everything go and to deny this fact is to merely delude yourself. While it's good to save money and to become more efficient, to waste resources on less efficient means of energy production and passing the higher costs onto the consumer weakens the nation and hurts those less able to afford to pay.
This is why rather than sink all this government money into subsidizing alternate forms of energy, taxpayer money I might add, the nation could just as well have put that money into making engines that run on gasoline and diesel more efficient. Since what was the point of alternative energy? It was supposed to help us burn less oil and have less emissions. So if there was an engine, say, that could run 100 miles on a gallon of gasoline instead of it's current 34 miles per gallon, would that not do the same thing? By making oil more efficient would we not require less of it? 

But that doesn't fit into the current blind hate narrative. We HATE oil even though it's in everything and along with it's immature cousin, Coal, is actually what makes the world go around. We would rather have more costly and less reliable wind and solar power and store that power in expensive and massive acid-based batteries for when the wind either doesn't blow or blows too much or when the sun doesn't come out for days. We just want to get rid of fossil fuels!

But it's not going to happen no matter how good this pipe dream makes you feel. It's not making the world any cleaner, safer or more secure. 

Feel good about your electric car? Where does that electricity come from? Hint: Not from a wind turbine! With the more electricity an electric car needs, some guy in a power plant up the road is only going to throw another shovel full of coal into the furnace that runs the turbines. What did you think, that electricity came from an electric-powered power plant?

We've wasted a great opportunity to put the resources into oil efficiency. With all the dough we've already wasted with so little to show for it, we could have funded an oil based Manhattan Project. Who knows what that could have achieved?  But because of politics, this did not/will not happen. Making oil more efficient doesn't even come up in environmental conversation. 

But Oil isn't really the target in all of this nonsense now is it? 

It is industry and the Capitalist mentality that drives industry that is the real target. The environmental movement, Socialist in nature, hopes to control the means of production by regulating what type of power that drives it. The political wing of environmentalism wishes to tell you what power to use, what kind of car you can drive and what kind of power you'll use to drive your business. 

If a manufacturer came out tomorrow and said they could make a production gasoline engine that could get 200 miles per gallon of gasoline, how would you think the environmental movement would react? or perhaps a generator that could power your house all day on just a gallon of diesel? 

Would the environmentalists embrace such dramatic monumental discoveries? 

I'll put my money on an emphatic "no" since it would set back the environmental "movement" if you want to call it that, back a half century.  I think they would attempt to suppress it and claim that it was a concerted effort by Capitalists to discredit their work to "Save the Planet" and that they should still be allowed to continue to explore alternate energies and keep their government funding. Oil and gasoline will still continue to be evil. 

We have yet to wring nearly as much energy out of an oil molecule as lies within it. It would be money better spent to get more out of the most reliable source of energy that we have. 

But that would make sense.  

Sunday, October 28, 2018

No Justice in the US Without the Death Penalty

And I mean a real death penalty, not the pretend death penalty we put in place where a death row inmate has a better chance of dying from natural causes than by the hand of the State. There is no reason a person on death row should be there for 20 years and handily outliving their victims families. There should be an appeal and then an execution within 90 days if that appeal does not overturn or change the sentence, period.

Over the last several decades the goal of "progressive" lawmakers has been to legislate the death penalty out of our justice system by instituting a lengthy and costly appeals system designed not to protect the rights of the accused but to drive the cost of sentencing a killer to death up to the point where it is becomes more cost-effective to keep them alive than to actually mete out justice for the crime. Over time it has also been proven that a Life Sentence doesn't always mean life behind bars. Many are eventually paroled to lead lives that their victims were never able to.

The victims and the families of victims are an afterthought when it comes to protecting the perpetrator and the victim impact statements are just a dog and pony show. Whatever the verdict is, it will be a disappointment to the victim and their family. And in the case of murder, that's a guarantee. 

But what about innocent victims of the system, mistakenly and unjustly convicted of a crime of murder? I say when in doubt, don’t. Don’t sentence them to death. But if you have people like David Berkowitz, the Son of Sam killer, Colin Ferguson, the New York Subway shooter, John Allen Mohammed and John Lee Malvo of the Atlanta sniper murders, or Dzhorar Tsarnaev the Boston Marathon Bomber, these people were caught dead to rights and should be Euthanized. There is no doubt they committed their crimes and they should pay the ultimate penalty for them. In all of the above cases they killed multiple people and cause incalculable suffering for the victims surviving family not to mention chaos and lasting trepidation in the communities in which these killings occurred.

Our criminal justice system, like the correctional system, is a business. Many a livelihood is provided and so it pays to have a murder victim’s family come back to court every 5 years to insure that some liberal judge doesn't release the killer because the day they don’t show up, he’s out. That has got to be torture and that is no way to live for people who haven’t done anything to deserve this kind of treatment at the hands of the judicial system.

It has also been brought to my attention that the Prison Phone Contracts generate $362 million dollar a year for the winning bidder and of that $152 million is kicked back to the prison system. How's that for taking advantage of a captive audience? Do you know how much revenue the System will lose if we actually put these people to death? This is money we're talking about. Money for lawyers, money for the judges and money for the phone company. Do you want to let justice hurt that revenue stream? That's downright heartless!

Yet the most basic rule of life is: “Protect Yourself at All Times” and if something should happen then there’s nothing anybody can do to bring a loved one back. Life is for the living but even so, unless we return to true punishment in this country where the penalty fits the crime, we as a nation are going to continue to see more brazen murders, experience increased lawlessness AND higher costs in our already overburdened and under funded penal system.

It is a harsh reality but a reality none the less. There are people in this world who have committed horrendous crimes against their fellow humans. As rational beings, we cannot have these people continue to walk among us and it just does not serve society to keep them alive for 30 + years at, ultimately, the victim's expense. 

Whether one believes that the death penalty is a deterrent or not is irrelevant. The death penalty is a punishment, a penance to be paid for the crime of murder. 

How much longer do we have to wait? 

Saturday, October 20, 2018

The Democratic Platform for 2018

"We can and must write in a language that sews among the masses hate, revulsion and scorn toward those who disagree with us." - Vladimir Lenin

In light of what has transpired since Donald J. Trump took the Presidency of these United States, I have pieced together, from observation and experience, the principles and desires for the nation that the Democratic Party has chosen to champion for the upcoming 2018 election cycle.

The Democratic Party has freaked out about everything President Trump has tried to achieve. They have opposed doing away with the costly and oppressive Affordable Care Act, opposed tax cuts and have advocated for more government and taxes.

They have gone crazy at everything Mr. Trump has to say and appear to have reached Escape Velocity and have gone into Earth's Orbit when it came to confirming Judge Brett Kavanagh to the U.S. Supreme Court. 

So from what I can tell by looking, the following are the key election goals the Democratic Party will be fighting for this coming election season:

Unlimited immigration from every downtrodden country around the world: “Come to America” they have called, “We will bring you in; give you a housing subsidy, put you into our public school systems and give you a stipend to live on while you learn to love our country!”

The message lately is clear: Unfettered access to the United States by anyone "fleeing" their country for what ever reason you can think of. Every woman is fleeing an oppressive husband, every man is fleeing a drug gang. Nobody cares about the people who emigrated legally and did the work to become a citizen. The Democratic party does not care about you! Everybody else, well, come on in.

No shots, not medical exam, no job or sponsor, just come on in. 

Disbanding ICE: Because ICE is actually allowed to do it's job now, the Democrats would like to replace the Immigrations Customs Enforcement bureau with something more immigrant friendly, like perhaps the ACLU. If they won't do it then the Dems would prefer a group that would just let illegal immigrants go and roam around the country. What harm could that do?

No to tax cuts for the American worker:  No money for you! Yes, you earned it but it’s not yours to keep. It has to go to support those less fortunate than you. We must put the poor people’s children through college, support the in-coming immigrants who will take our low-wage jobs and to house those who can’t afford housing because their jobs don’t pay very well. We must put them first. Your kid can just take out a loan for college, after all, you're privileged.

Now shut up and sit down!

Now the Left has floated the idea of doing away with the Trump tax cuts in order to give a direct $500.00 payment to the "poor". The Democrats will choose who these "poor" will be since there apparently is a group of people currently not benefiting from the tax cut since THEY DON'T WORK.

Let's face it, America just isn't all that great. This is the Democratic Party's mantra. "The U.S. is a Eurocentric, racist nation lead by an oppressive white majority that foments income-inequality, gender-inequality and oppresses people from all over the world."

You are all bad, bad people. The best way to make up for centuries of such oppression is to give all your money to the Democratic Party. Then we'll forgive you.

We can't win!: The political Left has made a big deal of our impending "trade war" with China. "China is hitting back", they say, "China will cause a lot of hurt with their sanctions!" they cry. All forgetting our biggest asset in this whole affair: The United States is the largest economy in the world. And not by a little. We are not going to lose a protracted trade war. The longer it goes on the worse it will get for everybody else. We may end up paying more here but we won't be going without.

Imagine this sort of defeatist attitude going on during World War II?

Calling Socialist Countries "Allies". Since President Trump has floated trade tariffs in an attempt to get the other countries we do a lot of business with back to the bargaining table, The Democratic National Committee has started to call countries like Mexico, China and Turkey our "Allies". They lament "How can we be doing this to our Allies?" on the Leftist media outlets. Especially since these countries are not only hostile to the United States and are, in fact, sources of a large quantity of our major financial and social issues like illegal immigration, copyright infringement and failure to guard their borders and the intellectual property of our businesses, I find it very hard to refer to these "governments", two of which are totalitarian regimes and the other just plain law-less, as Allies.

Canada, France and the UK aren't much better in regard to how they centrally manage their economies and keep their people dependent on the government nipple. It's no surprise that these nations don't want to renegotiate. Allies indeed. 

You can’t say that! You can’t say a word like “Gypsy” because it is racist! The KKK is everywhere lurking in a white man's heart! White European men are the real problems plaguing modern diverse society. They have no right to say anything anymore. 

You can’t call Haiti a “Shit-hole” because you may offend the shit-hole’s inhabitants. Perhaps they don’t realize they’re living in a shit-hole! How will they feel when they hear that and look around and realize it's TRUE?

The people of Mexico, Sudan, Myanmar, Venezuela and Yemen don't want to be reminded of how corrupt and oppressive their governments are and how much a shit-hole it is where they live. It's easier to come to the U.S. and live as a subsidized puppet. 

You can’t say certain words any longer. They’re offensive triggers to…well, somebody! Which words are offensive? Don't worry, we'll just tell you what they are when you say them. 

No free markets:  You can’t graze your cattle on this land anymore because we have now made it a National Monument. You can't drill for oil on this land because we have designated it a Caribu Sanctuary. You have to take the health coverage we give you  because we have outlawed a competitive marketplace for healthcare services. Oh, you can grow your business BUT only after you comply with our ever increasing regulations and taxes.

Infanticide for All! Third trimester abortions are back and they're FREE! Regardless of whether a child can live outside the womb, that child has got to go and we're not only going to allow this, we're going to continue to allow the government to sponsor it so expanding tax-payer funded abortion is the linchpin of party politics. Especially when Single-Payer Government Healthcare is implemented. That way, state-sponsored euthanasia will be the norm by the time we deny your father or grandfather health services because "they are no longer viable".
Guns are bad: You can’t own a firearm and you don’t have the right to protect yourself from all the radical immigrants that are coming in and shooting up the place. If you should happen to catch a bullet from one of these people, it's just your own bad luck. 

All the Pot you can Smoke: Instead of all the other stuff you don’t get to do, we want to legalize Marijuana. Not because Prohibition is wrong but because this way, you won’t know what you’re missing. Puff away people, things will seem a whole lot better. 

The Conclusion

This election cycle's Democratic platform appears to be: More government, more uneducated immigrates, more subsidies, more abortions, less free speech and less money for you! We want what you have so we can give it to somebody else who we feel needs it more than you, you racist sonofabitch!

Will this platform be a winner in 2018? 

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Fighting Leftist Totalitarians

It is said that to win a revolution, you must capture the hearts and minds of the people.

And for the Radical Left of this country I can only say that "I'm not feeling it".

And neither, I will speculate for a moment, is the majority of the American people.

The last two years in particular have been a constant battle to hold off the Leftist Mobs who seek to take through, political skulduggery, media propaganda, deep-state surveillance, investigations and leaks, paid mobs, violence and threats of future violence what they could not win at the ballot box.

You see, after all, whether anyone cares to admit it on the Left, they did not win at the ballot box. But despite they're steadfast insistence that we all should abide by the election result prior to the 2016 vote, this seems to be the last advice they have been willing to take afterwards.

So the "resistance" will build but it can only fall farther behind.

So you may ask, with the economy growing, employment dropping, new and better trade deals being negotiated, just what are these people resisting?

You and I.

And all the people who made the "wrong" choice in who should be leading the country.

How the Constitution Works

The founding fathers saw people like Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton coming. Real lasting changes are hard to come by through the legislative process. This is by design. The framers of the Constitution didn't want some totalitarian with a pen and a phone to ride in and force their way of thinking upon the entire nation. You've seen how Congress works, it's zany at best and the first time the first president of these United States, his Excellency himself, George Washington visited Congress as President, he was quoted as saying "I never want to go in there again.".

I'm paraphrasing but you can be sure, his Excellency expressed no desire to return to that bickering cacophonous place. Getting a law passed is tough! And Amendment even tougher. Getting Congress on the same page is like herding cats.

But the U.S. Constitution states that the President has to deal with Congress to get things done. A president can either learn to deal with Congress or attempt to get around it. Under the Law, however, any such circumventions will only be impermanent and easily undone by the next one to hold the office of President.

This is what Barak Obama has come to see. For all his slip-shod hooey, nose-in-the-air shucking and jiving, his intimidations, resolutions, deceptions, deceits and attempts at circumvention, the only thing that is left of his 8 years in office is the disappointment of his most ardent supporters; the black community and the financial disaster that is the Affordable Care Act.

And the people grew tired of his shit.

So they went out, voted and got somebody else.

And that somebody else, in less than 2 years, has turned things around and is floating everybody's boat. Not just the Liberal Elite's boats but YOUR boat and MY boat.

This is what the Left is fighting for. They want THEIR boat but don't want you to have YOUR boat.

Now is the best time in a long time to get out and make some money for yourself and the Left doesn't like it.

Where the Hell is G.W. Bush and Mitt Romney?

Brett Kavanagh was THEIR guy. Donald Trump, in a conciliatory move, put him up for the job. So where are these chicken shits now?

That's the problem with doing a thankless job. Nobody thanks you.

And do you think for one moment that G.W. Bush or Wishy Washy Romney would have stood by Judge Kavanagh like Donald Trump has done. That's how tough President Trump is.

Imagine Mitt Romney going through the last two years that President Trump has endured?

Ha ha ha. Can't.

The Ideological Battle

Seeing Barak Obama back out on the campaign trail after his brief sabbatical only serves to remind me of his failures, of his slick lies and of his burned into stone Marxist Ideology. His act has grown stale and his ideology has been exposed, again, for the failure of design Socialism has always displayed. It doesn't work, hasn't worked and won't work. There is no "balancing" it, there is no "incrementation" to it. You either have Socialism or you don't.

These are the people we are dealing with. They only seek to undermine and shout down opposition. Rather than reason with dissent, they work to suppress it. They talk down success and limit opportunity. They want control and independence is in direct conflict with control. If you are autonomous, they are powerless, therefore people must be dependent.

THEY will determine who is deserving of success. While in office, Mr. Obama tried to pick who will win and who will lose in the market place and he never picked right. Every group he had backed with taxpayer funds has folded. Gone. Phitt! And so is the money.

These are the people you want in power? They had their opportunity to lead and grow the nation but chose instead to apologize for it's successes and excesses and in almost a form of self-flagellation chose to put limits on our industries. They said America had a violent, even criminal and genocidal past. As if one could name a country that didn't and had chosen to ignore any contribution to the good of the world.

It's not like they actually want another crack at your good graces now. What they want is back into power regardless of how they get it. They don't care if you want them or not, here they come.

It's an effort doomed for failure.

But there will be pain.

Thursday, September 27, 2018

How Low Can They Go?

Judging by the Kavanaugh Supreme Court hearings, pretty darn low.

Little should surprise the American voting public these days but the display put on this week by the "no holds barred" Leftist Democratic "leadership" if I should use so dubious a statement, has, if not unprecedented, certainly hasn't been seen around here since, since way back in October 1991!

But Charles and Diane, with a little help from kindred spirit Michael Avenatti, the attorney for Trump provocateur and part-time stripper Stormy Daniels, have managed to make Anita Hill's testimony for Clarence Thomas' hearing look like a Pillow Fight!

 There's no Crying in Politics

Nothing personal Judge Kavanaugh but you must be destroyed. You must be humiliated and torn limb from limb, pilloried, thrown to the ground, picked up and thrown to the ground again.

That's just business as usual for the Political Left these days. They weren't always like this but now they are. When they are in power, they want to stay in power and when they aren't in power, they have demonstrated in no uncertain terms this week that they will do anything to gain that power back.

Not only must they destroy this man, the way they tried to destroy Donald Trump, but they want David Kavanaugh to serve as a glowing example of what you too will face should you be foolish enough to want a piece of THEIR political pie.

You have been warned.

An Unruly Mob

To achieve this end the Leftist Democrats have abandoned reason and appears to have become an unruly mob. They don't respect presidential elections when their candidate didn't win, they don't respect the rules of Congressional conduct when a judge not of their choosing is nominated to the Supreme Court, they don't respect opposing views since their media enablers fail to post information that counters what they want you to hear and they don't respect law and order since their paid mobs assault people at Republican rallies and light fires at places where people with opposing views are invited to speak.

If they don't respect opposing views and answer with slurs, threats and violence, where does that leave you should you disagree?

You have been warned.

Who Leads the Mob?

That's easy. Ultimately nobody does. Just as the Occupy Movement dissolved into chaos, so too will Democratic Radical Rule. How can you call people who only know how to lead smear campaigns and media amplified character assassination "Leaders"?  I remember when they used to offer legislation of their own. I guess those days are over.

Is David Kavenaugh for Real?

I over heard in work today from some very liberal co-workers who could not believe that Judge Kavanaugh had kept his calendars from 38 years ago. "Who does that, who?!" they exclaimed incredulously.

Apparently over-achieving potential high court nominees do and in this case it was a good idea.

I also have a neighbor who is a Union Man and we talked about whether he believed that the Judge "Did it?" when it came to these accusations. He said he believed he did. He said that he himself was all over girls, overly aggressive, drunk, obnoxious when in high school and so he was sure that the youthful Kavanaugh did likewise. I didn't go through high school like that myself but that was the answer I expected and I got it.

I have met people like David Kavanaugh. Granted there aren't many like him and this is why he's going for the nation's Supreme Judicial Court while I'm holding on with both hands to my crumby White Collar job and my neighbor is a Union Thug.

I didn't think they were for real either but over time I realized that there certainly were uptanding people in this world, that they were genuine and reverent and that just maybe, I should look beyond my own cynicism and start trying to figure out which side of the social spectrum I fell into.

What Now? 

Judge Kavanaugh either gets confirmed or he doesn't. The usual shaky Republicans can either suck it up for the party and forget, temporarily, about garnering favorable legislation for their state by pretending to go wobbly or the can throw in with the Never Trumpers of the GOP and see where that gets them after all that has recently transpired.

But  no matter what happens with this vote, it's going to be the next vote that will be the ultimate reflection of how this latest tragic display of American Politics has been perceived by the majority of the American voting public.

What do you think they'll remember most about this?

Friday, September 14, 2018

Judge Kavanaugh Pees on Nurse as Infant

California Democratic Congresswoman Diane Feinstein has leveled yet another more despicable accusation at President Trump's Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavenaugh today. This is even worse than the allegation he sexually harassed an unidentified woman back while he was in high school.

Yes, this latest accusation of giving a "golden shower" to a young and inexperienced female nurse while he was about one year old has graver intonations since this is a well known act of dominance by a male when done to a female.

The FBI is looking into it.

Diane Feinstein Attempts the Clarence Thomas Maneuver 

It was an act of grasping at straws then and it's even more ludicrous now since we've seen this tried already. And it didn't work then either. The only difference was that the Democrats back when Clarence Thomas was being confirmed actually talked someone into going before the cameras. That someone was Anita Hill. She wasn't believable then and she's not any more convincing now. It was a sham and well, that's American politics for you. And despite the hand-wringing and the gnashing of teeth. It failed in the end. And so will this attempt but with the cost of cementing these events into a newly confirmed Supreme Court Justice. Judge Kavanaugh will never be able to forget his treatment at the hands of these clawing, grasping weasels of a human subspecies; The Liberals.

Trump Administration Has the Nerve to Question the Timing

National Public Radio today expressed surprise and shock that the Trump administration questioned the timing of these latest accusations coming as they have in the run up to next Thursday's confirmation vote. Don't they know that an accusation should be enough? And based on this accusation alone, Judge Kavanaugh should admit he's not fit to hold the position and should withdraw in disgrace. After all, the accuser is unidentified and we all know what THAT means, right?

Life in the Me Too Universe

An accusation is as good as a conviction these days. Just make something up, which is clearly what this story is. Totally a blatant and telegraphed low blow to the genitals of common decency, truth and the unity of the country. But NONE of that matters to the Political Left. The ends justify the means. And even if this lie of lies delivered with a straight face doesn't work, and it won't, it will only set the bar lower so that these Marxist worms can go even lower in the future.

How such a notion is laughed at at face value only serves to remind me of the still lingering power of the Oposition Press. The Media Enablers of the Left will have televised debates and have "serious" discussions over who the accuser is and why they chose to come forward now, after what, 39 years?

What's your hurry?

The Liberal Judges

Judges Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor must look upon this bizarre spectacle and thank their Dark Lord that they are dyed-in-the-wool party Aparatchiks and didn't have to go through this type of grilling. Would they have survived such scrutiny?

We'll never know.

Judge Clarence Thomas

Clarence Thomas, fighting off his "High Tech Lynching" with his classic comment of being an "Uppity Black Man" has gone on from his Liberal Baptismal of Fire at the hands of the early Progressives who felt he was "the wrong kind of black man" to become the most consistent interpreter of the U.S. Constitution that I have ever had the good graces to witness. I thank the Universe that he was able to prevail and to prove, by his strict interpretation of the LAW of the LAND that the Democrats were right to be afraid of him for he has proven to be freedom's champion.

And I hope with all my might that they have just as good a reason to fear Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Obama Flaunts His Pessimism

Former President Barak Obama truly cannot figure it out.

A man who never met an economy he could understand just cannot figure out how current President Donald Trump could turn around the U.S. economy so quickly.

He just has no idea. He is baffled by the whole thing. So much so, he is compelled to broadcast his incredulity across the globe in a speech meant to denigrate the sitting president but only served to bring into sharp contrast the glaring differences between the two men.

President Obama believes that only Government can grow an economy. That the only time the economy LOOKED to be growing was when his administration injected $ 832 Billion into the U.S. economy. This he did by sending U.S. Taxpayer money to the states in order to prop up their public sector workforce since, with all these people being out of work in the country, the tax revenues were falling and the states were looking to cut their public employee ranks.

So the government spent a lot of money. A lot of money they had to pull out of the pockets of the people who earned it first. In essence, it's robbing Peter to pay Paul and we would never know how far that $ 832 Billion dollars would have gone to stimulate the economy had it been left in the peoples pockets to spend as they see fit.

Then President Obama did not trust the American people with their money. He and only he could know how better to distribute these funds to GROW the economy.

And for a little while it did, of course, because the states spent that money and kept their public sector employed. They got paychecks and money was put into circulation. But it was just a band aid, a short term solution to a long range issue. And it eventually showed.

Once that money was spent, after the 2nd and 3rd quarters of 2014 looked like things were taking off, the economy fell right back to below expectations and at one point, between the 3rd quarter of 2015 to the 1st quarter of 2017, tripped along at 1%, 0.4%, 1.5%, 2.3%, 1.9%, 1.8% and 1.8%.

And that is the Obama Ecomony we all remember, the one Mr. Obama thinks we do not.

That is because there was no return on that money put into the economy. When it was spent, it was gone and the economy got nothing back. There were no businesses that grew because of it and no additional wealth created by it. Money taken out of the economy and then put back into it isn't an Investment. There's no net gain. It's just a wash but for the many extra hands it passes through. The middleman, in this case The Government, takes it's cut too. Where is the growth in this process?

President Trump, on the other hand, put the money back into peoples pockets so they can go out and spend it. Not just because of the tax cut but also ending excessive regulations and other business taxes that restricted small business growth. People think that big corporations are the largest employers of American workers but it's really small business, companies that employ 100 people or less, who have always been the backbone of U.S. industry.

Under the Obama administration small businesses were just another stream of revenue and his administrations policies restricted them but under the Trump administration, these restrictions are being eased and they are coming back and coming back for everybody. All boats are being lifted in the new tide.

The man who once told union employees in the manufacturing sector that their jobs were NEVER coming back and that this was the NEW NORMAL can never understand what it takes to foster real growth.

This is why Mr. Obama is back out on the campaign trail. He's trying to buy a CLUE!

No Mr. Obama, you may think it takes a magic wand to do what President Trump has done but it doesn't. It takes an OPTIMIST. A person who believes that great achievements can be accomplished by a nation that he thinks is GREAT.

You aught to have tried it but you didn't believe it could happen.

Big difference. 

Friday, September 7, 2018

Failed Ex-President Attacks President Trump

The man who's imperial executive orders, regal sidestepping of the U.S. Congress and socialist mandates are the reasons that Donald Trump is now President of the United States has now come back to embarrass himself further by being the first former president to come out and criticize a sitting one.

And it is great, great news that it is former president Barack Obama to be the first!

His adherence to his Marxist agenda was unquestioned, his determination to destroy long standing American institutions self evident and his pursuit in undermining the social fabric that had become known as the American Dream, a given.

Now Mr. Obama's total lack of class has shoved all that aside.

And he doesn't even remember his presidency right!

The delusional former president thinks that THIS economy is HIS economy! Mr. Obama now recalls that his 8 years of  regulations, taxations and economic burdens were contributing to a "building" economic upturn.

Haha, how absurd a recollection.

The only industry that showed a strong increase during the Obama administration was domestic gun manufacturing which rose 192%.

So then President Trump is elected, comes in and does the EXACT OPPOSITE of what Mr. Obama was doing and BLAMO! The economy takes off!

Growth we haven't seen for YEARS. In particular, the Obama Years!

They sucked.

Even the black community expressed disappointment in Mr. Obama's presidency in it's waining days. They saw no improvement in youth unemployment and it actually got worse. They saw no improvement in black on black crime. That also got worse. They saw the Hispanic population displace the black community as the second largest minority community in the U.S.

You get what you vote for.

Imagine if the Leftist Media got its way and Hillary Clinton was in office. You think your job would have survived 12 years of Marxism? Bad enough we had 8 years of this crap.

But thats what this is all about isn't it? You did not vote for the person THEY selected for you. This whole Leftist Media attack, attack, attack, day after day with new "revelations" and insider "stories" invented out of whole clothe. There is no Resistance insider in the Trump administration. The whole thing is an invention based on the premise that it's harder to find something that does not exist. Try it sometime.

Now the only major thing left to undo is ObamaCare that is continuing to drain resources from small businesses across the nation. While president, Obama did his best to destroy small business and his crowning achievement to this end was the Affordable Care Act. This January the projected increase in premiums will be 10%.

Can you imagine?

But former president Barack Obama did not mention this upcoming 10% increase in his anti-Trump speech.

He also didn't mention his attempt to undermine the 2nd Amendment with his "Gun Walking" scheme or his attempt to open the boarders and stymie immigration enforcement turning our boarder with Mexico into a lawless zone. Mr. Obama also left out how he used the IRS to suppress his political opponents. That's just a tip of the iceberg that was the Obama Presidency.

If this was a regular person rather than a born and raised a brazen Marxist, he would be embarrassed by the fact that someone else did what he cared not to do at all.

Now Mr. Obama just looks stupid and seeing him on stage with his trusty teleprompter again only reminds me of all the failures he championed, from the failed Solyndra solar power company that was subsidized at taxpayer expense to the tune of $25 Million or his interference in Israel's election for prime minister. Don't get me started. 

How foolish to stand up and criticize someone who he is not, a Successful President. And it's only been two years!

It only took two years to turn around the economy that the former president never got off the ground.

Of course, Obama wasn't actually trying.

See you on the campaign trail Mr. Obama.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Making the NFL History

Its not about the protests since I stopped watching the National Football League ages ago. It isn't about Colin Kaepernick, the catalyst for the flag protests during the playing of our national anthem, signing a major advertising deal with major major NFL advertiser Nike, since I've also never owned a pair of their shoes or bought any of their athletic wear.

This is really all a distraction from the main problem of American Football and how it has "evolved".

It's all about the Destruction.

American Football destroys the people who play it.

You just don't see the level of catastrophic injury in other sports. It's not even close. American Football is Weaponized Sport. You get hit in other sports but you don't get blasted by someone wearing the sporting equivalent of armor plate. Where other sports wear helmets for protection, in the NFL they wear them for striking. Helmets started out as protection and then they became something other.

But then the game really took off in popularity.

Perhaps its our war-like nature. Football fits into that. It's the taking of "territory" on offense, it's the defense "shutting down" an opponent. There is the field "generalship" displayed by the quarterback and the "coaching discipline" exercised by the coach. It's smashing people in the mouth and "spectacular" open field hits that leave an opposing player lying on the field. Oh, people feel bad when it happens but that's what they came for. What did they think was going to happen? People are not indestructible.

And the NFLs greatest stars are getting destroyed. Some show it immediately but most show it over time.

Winning and Losing are part of life's lessons and there's nothing wrong with wanting to win, working to win and, of course, winning. But "Dominance" is a key factor in the NFL, more so. in my humble opinion, than in other sports. There are sports people who exhibit dominance in their fields but its more about their consistency of victory an not the ferocity of how they play the game. They can be described as "smelling blood in the water" on the verge of victory but if, say, there is a stringed racket involved, nobody's going to get hurt beyond a pulled hamstring.

In pro football, the opponent must be vanquished in dominant fashion.

The NFL is a gladiatorial vestige of our ancient past that should be buried in the sands of time.

There is a time where all sports, no matter how wildly popular they were, run their course. Before Baseball, Football and Basketball, Cycling was the biggest sport in the world. Boxing was HUGE and Track & Field heavily bet upon. Horse Racing was also big, big, big.

But although these sports are still around to some extent, they aren't nearly the events they were. People's sporting tastes change and they find other sporting interests and there are plenty more to choose from today. Many of them way less destructive than bashing your brains out on the "Grid-Iron". The trick now is to get the television networks, fully in bed with the big money sports, to put them on the air on a regular basis.

And, let's face it, the dominance of football as a national sport is only perpetuated by acts of Congress who have granted the NFL, along with other major sports, exemptions from the rules of business that give them "Not For Profit" status and exemptions from Anti-Trust laws. This gave them leverage to make massive deals with the national television networks that allow the "major" sports to dominate the airwaves. But if interest in the NFL falls hard, the networks will have to look for new alternatives.

So regardless of whether you are put off by the protests, the decades of lying about long-term injury, the long-term injuries themselves, the DRUGS, the cozy business dealings or just the big money marketing bullshit and crass commercialism of the National Football League you can find other sporting interests. Since other sports don't get much air time, you don't know what you're missing.

If you want to see people destroy themselves for entertainment, well there it is, but if you are growing increasingly uncomfortable with the idea of the results of the game, you have alternatives. You don't have to watch catastrophic personal destruction to be entertained.

People who play sports get injured but the NFL makes commonplace what in other sports is a rarity and in most sport unheard of.

And now all the years of covering such things up and the bubble of belief in the sport is coming to it's end.

I wouldn't miss the NFL one second if it should disappear tomorrow.

Injury Report prior to game 2 in the NFL

Arizona Cardinals, OUT: Olsen Pierre (toe), Andre Smith (elbow)
LA Rams, OUT: Mike Thomas (hip), DOUBTFUL: Mark Baron (ankle)
Caroline Panthers OUT: Damiere Byrd (knee), Greg Olsen (foot)
Atlanta Falcons, OUT: Devonta Freeman (knee), Russell Gage (knee), Ben Garland (calf)
Cleveland Browns, OUT: Emmanuel Ogbah (ankle)
New Orleans Saints, OUT: Tyeler Davidson (foot)
Detroit Lions, OUT: Andrew Donnal (knee), TJ Lang (back)
San Francisco 49ers, OUT: Joshua Garnett (toe), Marquise Goodwin (quadriceps), Erik Magnuson (hamstring)
Houston Texans, OUT: Kayvon Webster (achilles)
Tennessee Titans, OUT: Jack Conklin (knee), Taylor Lewan (concussion), Kendrick Lewis (foot)
Indianapolis Colts, OUT: Denico Autry (foot), Anthony Castonzo (hamstring), Denzell Good (knee, wrist), Chris Milton (concussion)
Washington Redskins, OUT: Troy Apke (hamstring),
Kansas City Chiefs, OUT: Ben Niemann (hamstring), DOUBTFUL: Eric Berry (heel)
Pittsburg Steelers, DOUBTFUL: Tyson Alualu (shoulder), David DeCastro (hand), Joe Haden (hamstring)
LA Chargers, OUT: Joe Barksdale (knee), Joey Bosa (foot), Craig Maer (hamstring)
Buffalo Bills, OUT: Taron Johnson (shoulder), Shaq Lawson (hamstring)
New York Jets, OUT: Josh Martin (concussion), DOUBTFUL: Marcus Maye (foot)
Minnesota Vikings, OUT: Pat Elflein (ankle, shoulder)
Green Bay Packers, OUT: Josh Jones (ankle)
Oakland Raiders, OUT: PJ Hall (ankle)
Philadelphia Eagles, OUT: Alshon Jeffery (shoulder), Darren Sproles (hamstring), Carson Wentz (knee)
Tampa Bay Buccaneers, OUT: Brent Grime (groin), Vita Vea (calf)
New York Giants, OUT: Olivier Vernon (ankle)

Dallas Cowboys, OUT: Datone Jones (knee), Xavier Woods (hamstring), DOUBTFUL: Randy Gregory (concussion)

54 additional players listed as: QUESTIONABLE, two with concussions. Most played in week 2. 

Saturday, August 25, 2018

McCain Stops Criticizing President Trump

He never met a war he didn't like.

He was complacent and entitled.

He was gripped by ego, jealously and spite.

And more than all that, he was angry and bitter. Especially at the end.

The Buddhists would say that anger and bitterness are not emotions one wants to carry into the next life. John McCain is carrying a heavy heavy load into the Summerlands for sure.

I will forever remember John McCain as a man who put his own sense of importance above those of the American people. He didn't care who would be hurt, it was all about him and his pain. He could never put his own interests aside for the good of the country. 

When he lost his bid for president, he blamed his vice presidential nominee and when it came time to cast the deciding vote to abolish the monstrously misguided Affordable Care Act, he voted to keep it. Not because he believed it was good but because the President and the people who voted him into office, an office he could not attain, knew it was bad.

All because he HATED them.

Let us hope that he finds in his next life the peace that eluded him in this one.

The Left Continues to Hound President Trump 

The Leftist Media with their Progressive enablers have continued their offensive of manufacture and outrage at his every sentence and pronouncement regardless of the outward hypocrisy.

But it's not going to work.

Everybody knows its bullshit.

All this will succeed in doing is destabilizing the country. But the Left does not care. The ends justify the means. Facts don't matter, evidence does not matter, what the public feels does not matter. Russian collusion was never the real focus. It was all a Red Herring.

This whole thing was always about "Get Trump" and if they couldn't, let this display serve as a warning to anyone else who even THINKS they want to run for president as a Republican because you better have Big Balls in order to put up with the unheard of onslaught of hate and vitriol spewed from every orifice of the outraged entitled political Leftists in this country because this is what will happen to you too!

What matters is what THEY feel. THEY will show YOU why you were wrong in electing Donald Trump president of the United States. THEY will take over and SHOW you how THEY could have done it all better.

But they really don't know how.

I know Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

And who doesn't really? She is just another Know-Nothing Socialist who will promise you, the American "Down-trodden", the equality and "rights" you seek but has no working knowledge of how to actually reach this objective. She doesn't understand economics but she knows she doesn't have to. She is an ambitious revolutionary and all revolutionaries have to know is how to seize power. After that, the rest is gravy.

She may succeed in grabbing power but once in her hands, she will totally blow up and everyone around her will too. And she knows how weak the substance of her ideas are, hence she won't debate anybody who questions them. She can't be bothered since it's not what she's come for. She's in it for the power and she will say anything, promise everything, for a chance at it.

This is why she's already been caught out by claiming to support New York cab drivers but who uses Uber to get around NYC instead. Now that's support you can trust!

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is just another in a long line of tin-pot socialist hypocrite dictators-in-waiting from a socialist borough in socialist New York City, a city that spends so much on entitlements that people literally move there from all over the country just to get on public assistance.

Good luck to her, lets see how far she gets.

Elizabeth Warren's New Plan

Siding with illegal aliens in the wake of the Mollie Tibbetts murder was probably not the best career move for the clueless Massachusetts Senator but it's her nationalization of all businesses that make $1 Billion annually that is a real non-starter. Once a business breaks the proposed threshold, the US Federal Government would then dictate who sits on their Board of Directors! Can you believe this?

But is she really proposing such an absurd piece of legislation in order to move to the political Left of Bernie Sanders in order to make a presidential run of her own in 2020?

We'll see how her act plays on the national stage. It is my guess that the only thing anyone will be asking the Massachusetts Senator during a mythical campaign would be: "Are you really an American Indian?".

Blaming Capitalism

Capitalism is not a government. It is not an Army. Capitalism is not a Decree or Invention.

It is a Force of Nature.

It cannot be stopped, ultimately, by any government. All Socialist nations return to a market economy eventually and the only delay is that Socialist and Communist countries have to deploy people with guns to keep people from practicing what comes natural to every human being at birth; "Working to better themselves.".

No matter who you are or where in the world you live, we all want the same things: we want food and shelter, we want meaningful work so we can gain food and shelter, we want to keep our families protected and our children warm. We want to be free from harm and free to pursue a direction in life we can choose for ourselves.

Capitalism, that force of nature that people, millions of people, making personal decisions about what to do with the money they earn, makes the world go around. You stop this and the world stops.

South Africa Decides to Kill Their Economy

Another wise choice by the people of Africa who have no idea what a Democracy actually is. And this latest move will put them closer to finding out just how far from a Democracy they are.

Nobody wants to invest in a murderous Dictator. South Africa's government has fostered violence against the white farmers and seeks a "Blame Whitey" agenda for their lack of policy and wanton graft in the 24 years since they've held the reins of the government.

Here's a wild guess. If you are a poor black subsistence farmer in South Africa now, you will be a poor black subsistence farmer five years from now after the land grab. I'll bet money.

The American Leftist Press seems to be totally ok about South Africa's land grab since they helped the South African government defend their land "appropriation without compensation' against a tweet by President Trump. The irony here is that Cuba did the same thing back in 1956 to American businesses there and we've had an economic embargo on that country ever since.

Let's hope that time will not stop for South Africa like it has for Cuba, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Vietnam, and Mexico. All countries caught in a time-warp of lack of advancement.

And enlightenment.

Monday, August 6, 2018

Alex Jones is a Crazy Person

If you listen to this guy speak for 5 minutes, you just get the feeling that something is wrong with him. Sure he's "Conservative' I guess. So what? So he's a Conservative Crazy person and a self-promoting Show Boat on top of that. I don't know who he thinks he's speaking for but he's not speaking for me.

Youtube and Facebook can do what they want. If they boot Mr. Jones for content they don't like, they have every right to do so because it's THEIR site. Alex Jones doesn't pay to have his stuff on either site. It's free but it's not free because yes you can post stuff on there but if they don't like it, they can take it down. It's their site.

Alex Jones should just pony up the dough and get his own website. That way he can post all his crazy talk on his own site without further issue. That is the American Way.

I don't listen to Alex Jones because, to me, the content of his broadcasts is the ravings of a madman. He's almost as crazy as that guy Mark Levin. Levin is as Mad as a Hatter.

I can't listen to either of these guys for more than a minute. When they are on I ALMOST want to listen to a sports channel but instead I just turn the radio off.

It's like Mr. Jones and Mr. Levin want to get you into a fight. They want you to go running into the streets in outrage over the latest perceived (by them) slight. THEY are your Arbiters of Outrage. You don't have to think, let THEM tell you what to get your nose bent out of shape for. I don't know about you but I'd find this act exhausting after awhile. If I didn't think is was a put-on in the first place, which I do.

It makes me miss the late great David Brudnoy on Boston Radio station WBZ so very much. He had something neither of these guys have and that's called CLASS. He could so eloquently refer to a certain group as "Barbarians" you would just nod your head and smile because with one word, he had defined them. Friend and foe alike respected his opinion. He had well thought out ideas and logical arguments. When he made a point, you were hard pressed to talk your way out of it.

No bluster, no name calling, no grand standing, no anger and it was not an act.

In other words, everything opposite of what is going on today in the radio wars for the hearts and minds of the the voting citizen (and voting, driver's license holding non-citizen).

Today's Talk Radio

The so called Conservative radio of today is so boring. I can do a talk radio show today easy. Here's my opening line:

"Did you hear what the New York Times said about Donald Trump?"

Every phone line will light up.

"The latest from The Huffington Post will shock you!"

Call the advertisers and tell them we're raising our rates!

Anyone who calls one of these shows has rocks in their heads but apparently people have nothing better to do with their time than to wait on hold in order to be used as fodder for the host. It's their time so what can you do but marvel at the self-importance. I suggest that instead of listening to this poorly thought out ploy, the radio equivalent of click-bait, you either should go to bed with a good book or go to bed with somebody who's read one.

Go and live your life and put the phone down, cancel your Facebook page, you Linkedin page, your Twitter account and stay the hell away from social media and talk radio. You'll have so much more time for yourself and your real, live social circle.

You'll be glad you did.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Leftist "Never Trumper's" Undermine Russian Relations

You mean to tell me that the United States and Russia are to never ever have good relations? That we should never ever attempt to understand each other going forward into perpetuity? That we should always and forever be at odds?

How absurd this notion is.

"Oh how evil they are!"

Yup, yup, yup, they're evil. Nobody else is evil, just Russia. Only Russia has oppressed their people. Only Russia has done...fill in the fucking blank! Australia didn't kill a bunch of Aborigines, Japan didn't kill a bunch of Ainu Indians, Chinese, Koreans etc, the French didn't kill a bunch of Haitians, Ethiopians, Vietnamese, etc etc and Germany is ok now although they started two world wars and killed 6 million Jews. Yup, yup, yup, Russia's evil. Don't get me started.

We have relations with China whom we fought against in Korea, we have relations with Vietnam whom we tried real hard to wipe out every single one of not so long ago, we have relations with Germany and Japan. But Russia? Come on, nobody is buying it. Nobody but the people who have a monetary or political stake in keeping the two countries apart believe that this is a bad thing.

And Russia did manage to fight in two world wars that they didn't start and as far as I remember they were on our side.

The West has always used Russia as the Boogey Man. "Drink your milk or the Russians will get you" sort of thing. U.S. politicians have always pointed out that our way is the right way and that Russia is a goddless country of gulags and black & white photography of starving masses while they tax us all into the poor house to defend against "Soviet Aggression" while all along using NATO to antagonize them. It makes no sense.

While we have pretended to court the Soviets and even sold them grain to cover the economic shortfalls of their Communist Experiment, there was always distrust on the part of Russia to get involved since the memory of our participation in intervening in the glorious Revolution lingered. After that it was our involvement in the useless, useless NATO alliance that President Trump has recently pointed out in no uncertain terms, has no inkling of relevance left in today's world of Global Economics.

How can Germany pretend to be afraid of Russian attack when they're paying them a TON of money for gas imports? Um, Right?

And it would be ditto for the U.S. It's tough to have a war with a good trading partner. The more the European Union gets involved with Russia economically, the less the NATO charade is needed.

It's really all just bullshit. It's all about the money. United States Taxpayer Money! They want it, you got it. This really should end, it's a waste of time and money. U.S. time and money.

And you better believe that the next Democratic President will go running over to whoever is running Russia in the future and claim to have made "Historic Progress" in U.S./Russian relations. Just as long as it isn't President Trump who does it. That's all.

CNN Disputes Trump Claim that Sky is Blue! 

Although I have confidence in the vast capabilities of the United States intelligence agencies, it has become clear to the American People that they have "picked a side" of whom to support in this country. That's very bad. They have not only decided who they think should run the country, they have also formulated and acted upon plans to keep the people they don't want to run the country out. That is also very bad. It's not their call. That call belongs to the American Voter and they have made their choice and it wasn't another Leftist Idiot.

And so, given that they are the way they are, the "stupid choice" of the American People must be overturned. And this was the best plan they came up with?

I don't believe for one moment that Russia as a nation had anything to do with Hillary Clinton losing the 2016 presidential election OR even trying. It's the stupidest thing I've every heard. She didn't even need the help. How did she lose Wisconsin? By never setting foot there!

If she had bothered to go there just ONCE, the World Media could now be hailing President Clinton's successful summit with Vladimir Putin!

But she couldn't be bothered. The fix was in, she was going to win. But there was one small problem.

The American People felt otherwise and we still get to vote and we will in high numbers when motivated. And the motivation was that we were tired of the last 8 years of the only Marxist world leader left in the world, Barrack Hussein Obama. There, I said it.

Too bad nobody else believes in the United States like President Trump and the people who put him in the Whitehouse.

It would be the BEST THING for the world to have the United States and Russia to have good relations, trade agreements and open dialog. And everybody knows it. But since it's Donald Trump attempting it, it can't be allowed to happen. The Media and their government enablers continue their efforts to undermine our relations with Russia. The Boogey Man of the Soviet Era must be maintained to sell fear. Fear is money to these people.

But Russia has moved on from the Soviet Era economically and socially.

So why shouldn't we? 

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Russia Finds Hillary's Lost Emails!

It's amazing. The Russians have done what the FBI could not; Find Hillary Clinton's 30,000 "misplaced" emails!

Of course, the difference here was that the FBI wasn't looking for them in the first place.

And how much of a "hack" was it when it was revealed by Julian Assange that the password for John Podesta's hotmail account was in fact "password"?

And it was also revealed how the Clinton Foundation was a money laundering scheme where the charitable contributions seemed to be funding the Clinton's themselves.

But since Hillary is a Liberal Democrat, the FBI, our top federal investigatory authority says; "No crime here folks, move along."

But it's understandable that they could not devote the resources to investigating Hillary and her playing fast and lose with federal law concerning her secret email servers, loss of classified information and then lying about it since they were too busy trying to undermine the Trump Presidential Campaign.

Now THAT was important!

And if you were wondering why the last President, What's His Name, didn't do something about the convoluted Russian Hacking story is that first of all, it didn't actually do anything of measure and so was of minor importance to them...until Hillary lost!

But the Russian Probe is also accomplishing something else beside trying to sew chaos in the Trump administration; it's also providing cover for Hillary's misdeeds. A good offense is the best defense. The FBI will NEVER probe the Clinton email scandal or any of her other dubious dealings because their purpose is not to find the truth.

The purpose of the FBI is to GET TRUMP!

And that's all. They can't be bothered with anything else right now, call back later.

Anybody can buy an ad on Facebook. The Canadians, the Croatians and the Russians can pay money and advertise for or against anybody they want. But only now can such a free market transaction and execution of speech that Facebook provided to all who wished be branded as "Election Meddling".

And anyone can hack your email account. It's not going to win you Wisconsin.

It's all so staged and actually boring.

But you've got to hand it to those Russians, they really know how to get information when our own "Intelligence" networks decide to take sides. Instead of indicting them for it, we as a nation should be thanking them.

I was present at one of Donald Trump's campaign rallies when he looked to the sky and and asked for Russia to find Hillary's lost emails. It was hilarious.

And it's even more hilarious now since THEY DID!

So now Robert Mueller is continuing the charade by indicting the Russian Government!

I hope they bring Hillary's emails with them to court.  

Monday, July 9, 2018

U.S. Will Always Win a Trade War

This is a war China cannot win. Neither will Canada and neither will Mexico.

We were already losing the trade war when President Trump decided it was time to correct decades of trade missteps that cost the American consumer to the benefit of everybody else in an effort to gain 'good relations".

Well, screw that!

Now is the time to fix things and if the other nations don't want to renegotiate, well things are going to get tough...for them! We're running too many trade imbalances to remain polite. Not that our "Allies" have remained polite because they have not.

Don't let the hand wringing in the Leftist Press fool you, the U.S. is in great shape going into this trade war and regardless of all the defeatist talking down from the Democratic Party, the United States is going to put a hurt on the world if our trading "Allies" don't come back to the bargaining table.

The United States is the number one economy in the world. China is the 2nd but they are a distant second. Japan is the third biggest but they are a close third to China. Any slide by China and they're back to third place.

What these countries will do is pay the higher price. What the United States will do is buy local and pay the price also.

The difference is that the United States produces things that people around the world would rather have compared to their local product. What we will find in this contest is how much the U.S. product is valued around the world. Maybe patriotism will skew the numbers but not in the long run. And yes, this could take some time.

So let's take Kentucky Bourbon for instance. I'm sure China's version will be satisfactory to the growing affluent populace that craves high end booze. Or, perhaps, the Chinese populace that craves the real stuff will just pony up the dough and pay the extra money. What do you think will happen?

They will pay the extra money.

On the other hand, we don't need Chinese booze or their steel.

We may pay more for U.S steel, but we have the money. If we suddenly find that the local product is the same price as the import, we'll pay for the better product at the same price.

Yes, we'll have less money to spend or spend more for the product but we HAVE IT. What other countries around the world will not have is access to the largest group of mindless consumers in the history of the world up to this point. Fast forward 100 years and we STILL will have the largest group of mindless consumers in the history of the world.

Consumers in other countries are living in the Dark Ages. They still use faculties like Discretion and Logic when it comes to their purchases. They carefully mull over what they want and figure out the best product for the best price. But here in the U.S. we'll buy just about anything regardless of whether we can even PAY for it or not. All we know is that we want it.

And isn't that enough?

Who buys millions of $ 20.00 fish lures that twitch and makes buzzing sounds to, maybe, attract more fish? We do. Who pays $ 50.00 for a PILLOW, as in the popular American product "My Pillow"? We do!

Who made former heavyweight champion boxer George Forman a multi, multi millionaire by buying his electric hamburger grill?

We did!!

And why? We don't know!

Did this crazy shit happen in Russia? No. Germany? No. England? Nope!

It all happened in the United States. Why?

Because we'll buy anything!

And we also make at least 75% of all the good stuff in the world. Movies you want to see, cars you want to drive, booze you want to drink and other stupid crap you really shouldn't buy in the first place. But there it is.

We don't need YOUR stupid crap, we've got enough of our own.

But the rest of the world is catching up to mindless consumerism. They've developed a taste for Crown Royal, Jack Daniels and wines of Napa Valley. Bejing Bourbon just doesn't quite make it compared to the real deal from Kentucky. So if the price goes up, they're just going to pay it.

The corn produced in Iowa is a superior product. The U.S. is the world's leading producer. And it's a staple. You need corn, you need corn so you'll pay the higher price. That's just the way it is.

It's all passed along to the consumer. Yes, during a trade war the consumer loses.

But the United States will not.

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Everybody Talkin’ ‘Bout Trump!

Love him or hate him, his name is on everyone’s lips.

President Donald Trump is the most talked about person in the world today. His face is the most recognized face on the planet Earth.

Liberal talk shows talk about him, so called “conservative” talk shows talk about him. Every radio and television talk program talks about Donald Trump. If it wasn't for Donald Trump, these yammering dolts wouldn't even have a show. He is all they ever speak of.

Yes, 90% of it is negative press since the American media is bent hellaciously to the Left but as it has been said by many a famous person; “There’s no such thing as bad publicity”

Trump Derangement Syndrome dominates the Liberal American Landscape. The Leftists here in the formerly, and soon to be again, industrialized North East will just be having a normal conversation and then suddenly, bam! Like a bolt out of the blue they will blurt out:  “I hate Donald Trump!”

But we were only just ordering pizza.

Our “Allies” at the G7 are all abuzz at the audacity of President Trump’s demands that they open up their markets to U.S. goods. How dare he want equity for American markets? How arrogant!

But off they go to try and solve the riddle Mr. Trump has given them: “What do they do if they are frozen out of the U.S. market?”

All of Europe’s leadership is currently trying to sharpen their pencils.

If the United States is to bring back manufacturing in this country then we need a more favorable environment in which to sell the goods we produce. This is the heart of the matter.

The other G7 leaders can snear, give him the hard stare, they can protest and they can even try to crush Mr. Trump's hand but they better start thinking about how they can play ball with the United States.

Otherwise they could be on the outside looking in.

Vermont Hurt by Canadian Tariffs

Vermont shares a boarder with Canada. Major Vermont products consist of: Milk, Cheese and Maple Syrup. These are also the products Canada taxes at 270% of value in order to protect their similar markets from Vermont's competition. Despite the downplaying about the amount of business this amounts to by the Political Left, these industries mean a great deal to the state of Vermont to the point that dairy is subsidized by taxpayer money. I can personally attest to the high quality and the civic pride in which Vermonters have in these products.

It would be better for the Vermont state taxpayer to be able to have their dairy industry stand on its own. Opening up the Canadian marketplace for Vermont goods would be a good place to start.

Vermont did not vote for Donald Trump but as President, Donald Trump has their interests in mind.

We have yet to hear Bernie Sanders chime in about the impact of Canadian tariffs on Vermont exports. I would be interested in what he has to say. After all, he's a Vermont Senator.

Libertarianism and Tariffs

Now in my vast Libertarian library, every tome describes Tariffs as bad for business. And technically, on the surface, they appear to be just that. But that is the clinical interpretation of the device. When taking the reality of the situation, like right now, tariffs make a whole lot of sense.

First, my clinical texts all rely on the premise that our trading partners are playing by the same set of rules that we are. But they clearly are not.

A state run business can take the measure of dumping their inventory at below market rates and make up for the shortfall by shifting profits from more successful facets of their business collective. This does not happen under a capitalistic system since getting other businesses to give up their gains so another organization can take the loss would be next to impossible to pull off.

But totalitarian China can pull it off and they did.

What the dumping does is destroy the local industry to the point where most of the producers go out of business and the ones who do survive can no longer produce quantities to meet a larger demand. This produces dependence on the foreign imports and eventually China will make the money they lost taking the risk, back. They are then free to raise prices since their competition has been wiped out.

In the face of this threat to local industry, tariffs are a useful tool to combat such anti-capitalist practices by our “allies”.

Telling it Like it Is

So our President is telling it like it is to our European neighbors. He’s looked at our deals and he doesn't like them and wants a better deal. Europe doesn't want to give him one and would have dismissed Mr. Trump's overtures completely if he didn't throw up tariffs to get their attention. Well, he seems to have gotten their attention alright. And the thing I like the best is…

Mr. Trump is not bluffing.