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Wednesday, April 29, 2020

No More Bailouts Mr. President!

It's the Liberal State Governor's who've decided to scrap the U.S. Constitution, exert executive privilege and nuke their local economies with just a wave of the hand. These acts should not expect a reward.

Corporations big and small are receiving federal funds. The hospitals and state unemployment offices are also receiving federal funds...until July. But unemployment insurance funds won't cover the damage being wrought by these illegal shutdowns. Independent enterprise is being destroyed. If you are drawing a paycheck, your views are vastly different from those people who are NOT drawing a paycheck.

Bloated State Pension Contracts

It's a well known secret that many states, the Liberal States, have sold the taxpayer down the river with their incredible benefits hand-outs to their state workers. Over the years, due to declining tax revenues, the states have not kept up with their funding obligations, sending less money than required to fund the retirement funds these contracts require. Subsequently, most, if not all of these pension funds are WAY in the red.

The Federal Government is not and should not be responsible for this lack of fiscal responsibility. It's all fun and games in "Other People's Money-Land" until the well runs dry.

And here we are.

It's not like the Feds don't have a few fiscal responsibility issues of their own. Our future generations will pay dearly if this problem isn't addressed.

A Great Opportunity

This is a great opportunity to actually rectify the situation. It has been suggested by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to allow the states to file for bankruptcy. This will force them to go back and either re-negotiate these pension deals or render them void. There will be much political fallout to be sure but the problem will no longer be ignored.

If the states, in what increasing looks to be like less concerned with public health and more concerned with politics, want to crash their economies then the responsibility for repair falls to them.

Unsustainable Lock-down

I live in Massachusetts and our Liberal Governor, Charlie Baker, has determined that the lock-down will continue until May 18th. If Mr. Baker thinks he will reap political hay by crushing the livelihoods along with their Constitutional rights, he should think again. The consequences or his criminal acts will reverberate long after November. It'll take years to recover for some, never for others.

How the American people will view one of the major players in destroying the national economy is open to interpretation but I'm going to guess it won't be viewed favorably. I could be wrong since I'm mostly appalled by how my local town's citizenry have taken this all lying down.

Living in Fear

I'm here to tell you, you are going to DIE! As Hank Williams once sang, "No matter how I struggle and strive, I'll never get out of this world alive." And he should know, he died at age 27. So we're all gonna DIE!

But not today and not tomorrow. Please try to stay optimistic about that. Staying shut in the house, not going anywhere and jumping out of the way of people on the sidewalk IS NOT LIVING.

Right now, statistically, you have better odds of dying from the regular flu. That's right. You are not getting access to all the information. And if it wasn't for NYC's numbers, one would be hard pressed to say this Virus has had a more than average impact upon the nations annual flu-related mortality rate of 35,000 to 60,000 deaths per year. That's right.

Which leads me to another issue I have with all of this fear-mongering. Every year in this country approximately 35,000 people are killed in motor vehicle accidents, many horribly, and the multitudes horrendously injured defy description. Yet nobody seems compelled to slow down. They fearlessly barrel down the local streets and highways 20 mph over the speed limit. And when they callously and fatally run someone down, there they are crying in court "I didn't mean to do it!".

So why all of a sudden are people wearing masks outside (useless), treating people around them like Lepers and believing what the Governor says is the Law and Gospel?

I swear I don't recognize this place anymore.

The Truth About NYC

New York City is the biggest Welfare State in these United States. Their Elderly Services programs are the biggest and costliest in the nation. They offer extensive services to the elderly of low-means such as free housing, free food, assistance accessing Federal and State service health programs like Medicare, Medicaid and PACE. There are also numerous non-profit and faith-based organizations there that also provide assistance. New York City is sort of a Welfare Magnet for the elderly. So they have a boat-load of really old people not in very good shape, to be frank. A walk through the city will reveal the extent of it. There are huge high-rise elderly housing complexes and people brandishing their walkers dominate the sidewalks, everyone is living on top of each other.

The nursing home system in NYC, in accordance with it's size, is equally extensive and have turned out to be the flash point for the city's disproportionate Virus mortality rate, now up to 17,638 as of this writing.

So what does NY Governor Mario Cuomo do? Knowing that the elderly are the most susceptible to the Virus, he personally mandated the state nursing homes accept elderly applicants that are confirmed Corona Virus positive! Still wondering why the numbers are high there?

You will think I've made this up and I don't blame you.

The Politics of it All

It is unbelievably extreme to lock down the country for the flu. Listening to the Media go after President Trump during his press updates tells a tail of their concerted efforts to blame him for the Virus response. Add to it the new lock-down extensions of the state Governors where even the state of Maine, with only 1,040 cases in total and 51 deaths, is now locked down into May.

This is crazy. Our nation is currently $23 Trillion (I've also seen $ 26 T) so writing more checks isn't going to improve things. We're just printing money with no production behind it so  throwing more paper at the states, especially since they're doing this on purpose, makes no sense. If the states continue receiving federal funds, they'll never open up.

Let the chips fall for the lock-down states. It'll be open up or crash and burn. I also hope that all these businesses sue the state once the courts are re-opened.

Judgement awaits.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Media Spreading Virus Fear

Turn on the Television: Death!

Turn on the Radio: Death!

Listen to the news conferences, what are the reporters saying?

"Mr. President, what can you say to the people who are going to DIE!"

Are you kidding me? Who says things like that? Crazy people, that's who. Members of the National Media. Talking like the Virus is a virtual death sentence. You get it, you die!

Dead, you, now, it's over!

It's not a death sentence. Far from it. Yes, people are dying from it but the longer this goes on, the more people like myself are suspecting that there are other motivations behind the news beyond the concerns for public safety. The numbers just aren't adding up.

Governors Shut State Economies

Although by law it is supposed to take an act of the legislature, the Governors of many states have simply closed almost all businesses in their states with a wave of their hand.

California Governor Gavin Newsom, Mario Cuomo of New York, Gina Raimondo of Rhode Island and here in Massachusetts, Governor Charlie Baker have all crashed their state's economies in an effort to contain the virus. Well, I hope it's worth it because poverty has it's own health consequences, lots of them. Will there be someone keeping track of that?

Whether you believe Self-Isolation works or if you are a fan of Herd Immunity, you've gotta admit that what is going on is over-the-top extreme to shut everything down in the states for over 2 months and counting. No sales, no taxes, no demand and no income.

But the bills, they're still out there.

My landlord has yet to call me saying not to worry about anything and I'll bet the phone hasn't rung for many of these business owners either. Deferring the payments isn't going to help since they aren't going to actually go away. But their income has and it may not be coming back. And if it does, chances are they won't be able to cover the loses. But we won't know for a few months down the road if they ever free us up from these open-air prisons we're living in.

I don't have the time or the fortitude to list how all this shit is rolling downhill. From leases, to lien-holders to banks to tax revenue, liability insurance, auto and homes sales...don't get me started. But it all has to get paid back.

The names of these Governors will live in infamy if they don't get off their political high-horses and get people back to work sooner than later. If it goes on past May, who knows where they expect to get the money to cover the public service payrolls. Or will they actually cut the state budgets? They can't get the money out of all the private-sector unemployed they created. Good luck trying.

Invoking Science!

When someone says, "Listen to the Science!" or "People aren't listening to the Science!" I know that they are trying to pull the wool over my eyes. There's nothing to believe about science these days. There's always a political or monetary motivation behind the lions-share of scientific reporting that there's really no relying upon any of it for truth. Scientists have been caught cheating and colluding to "fix the problems" with their findings. We were better off with the Alchemists.

So when these knuckle-heads predicted 2.2 million people dead, 200,000 in the U.S, how on God's Green Earth can you believe this in the first place? How stupid are you? You're obviously being PLAYED!

And yet people just jump through the hoop every time the Media holds it out for them. Like circus animals. They're out there right now thinking wearing a mask is going to help, waging a finger at you for not "Social Distancing" like some Virus Nazi, or they leap off the sidewalk into the street when they encounter someone walking in their direction. Like if they do catch the Virus they'll say, "Perhaps I got it from that guy I passed on the sidewalk last week?".

Turn off the television you stupid twit, you'll feel a whole lot better.

And when this is over and the truth comes out, and it will come out, there are going to be quite a lot of people who should be totally ashamed of themselves and their behavior.

I said SHOULD be ashamed of themselves since we all know many of these people do this sort of thing all the time for a living and so it's just a job to them. Nothing personal. The others will just rationalize it all away until something else comes along to make people look in a different direction. (Cue the Water-skiing Squirrel!).

Depending on Government

Since the closing of the state businesses and the calling for bailouts, the Governors have forced President Trump into becoming FDR, to a point. The Feds were already running $26 Trillion in deficits before this happened so there's no money there either. They will have to print it if they want to hand it out. It won't matter how much they print, it won't be enough to cover the damage done.

Mitch McConnell came up with a great idea, to let the states file for bankruptcy. That drew howls from the Governors since that's the signal that it's time to open up their economies because the Feds will not be writing checks to bail them out. They don't like the idea because should they file for bankruptcy, that will void all the municipal union and public pension contracts and they would all have to renegotiated and, most likely, adjusted downward.

Time to open things up or face the music, Guv'nor.

The American Diet

The studies coming out of New York City in regards to the 12,000 plus people who have been counted to have died of the Virus, 89% of them had other life-threatening conditions including coronary artery disease, hypertension, obesity and diabetes. The two studies I read pointed squarely to the American diet of takeout-food, high-fat, high-salt and high-calories combined with a sedentary lifestyle. This explains why Japan, with the worlds oldest population, doesn't come close to the numbers of NYC alone never mind the whole country. Even though they smoke like chimneys and drink like fishes, they don't eat like crap! Very little fat in the Japanese diet and they aren't that into sweets either.

Living in Fear

Yes, pneumatic flu is a danger. It seems to ignore most but some people get it bad. And if you get it bad, you could die from it, like dozens of other things you could die from any time.

Do you really want to live this way? Do your really think this is a new normal? I don't. The sooner we get out there and start living, the sooner the virus will disappear. I am not going to live this way. I refuse. I resent the Governors destroying my livelihood by royal decree and becoming a law unto themselves for whatever the motivation. I think it's political frankly, and it stinks.

Time to give up the charade and get back to work. This is now not a crisis of epidemic but a crisis of government. The Virus didn't close down all the businesses, President Trump didn't close down all the businesses. The Governors, THEY closed down all the businesses.

Nobody should forget this.