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Sunday, January 27, 2019

Venezuela Over and Over

It's a lesson the world never seems to learn. Collectivism spells certain doom. The slogan: "From each according to their ability, to each according to their need" has proven to be a death sentence for the populace at large.

It's all there for the clear minded to see.

But we're not talking about clear minds are we? We are talking about Class Envy, Want and Revenge.

You can explain the economics of it and they don't care. You can show them the pictures of the people in Zimbabwe drinking out of mud puddles, the Venezuelans standing in hours long lines in the hopeful anticipation that there will be something on the shelves to buy when they get into the store. It makes no difference.

No, no, it's all about seizing power. The chance to tell those rich bastards what to do and to make them pay for the gall they had to take a risk and give people jobs. It's about taking that which they've built, not because they don't deserve it but because we now have the power to take it away from them.

And don't think for a moment that the "Poor" are going to see a farthing of these confiscated resources. No, they are spoils that only go to the victor.

Was Stalin concerned that people were starving? Was Mao? Pol Pot? Chavez? Castro didn't care one whit that his country was stuck in 1956 just as long as HE was the boss of it. Castro was king of a backwards impoverished land. He must have been so proud.

And what about now with Nicolas Maduro, is he even remotely sympathetic?

Hell no. Just as long as he's in charge. That's what its all about.

And once Maduro is dead, and he most certainly should be executed for his crimes, there will be another who will rise to prominence on the slogan power of their promises of Equality for All, for the Rich Paying Their Fare Share, and of Justice for the Workers!

And so the cycle begins again. The producers walk, the people want and the bloodshed escalates as the resources dwindle.

Nope, nope, nope, no use talking about it when you deal with such ignorance. The new young crop of Leftists in the U.S. Congress have already shown how little they know about history. But they do know Class Envy, they do know that their constituents are dumber than they are and are easily swayed by promises of fixing their problems by first creating class demons and they promising they'll be punished. No need for personal responsibility. YOU have been wronged by the Society Haves and you will be Compensated by them. How dare they sign your pay checks!

It's a mindset.

If Hugo Chavez came back to life and drove into Venezuela and said he was going to make everything right again if the people just vote him back into office, they would vote him back into office again in a heartbeat. Most of the people never blamed him for the slow circling of the drain that began in 1999 when he was first elected. They loved Chavez. They blamed everything else but him.

And here we are.

Although the nation has become increasingly Socialist since the 1950s, this latest surge of "Progressives" rivals U.S. Socialism's heyday of the 1900s. Popularity of the party dropped dramatically once the Bolshevik revolt was underway and their intentions of spreading the "Revolution" around the world became evident and was known as the "Red Scare".

You see, once people see what happens when the Collectivists take over, almost always by force, they want no part of it. The tough part about that is that once they are in power, it's tough to put that Genie back in the bottle. The whole country turns upside down and right is wrong and wrong is wrong and there's a whole lot of nothing to give out. And then things get out of hand.

So follow your peer groups latest charismatic leader. Believe them when they tell you that "this time will be different". I promise you will be disillusioned. I promise you will regret it. I promise that you will pay dearly along with most of your group as well as your family and the nation.

We've seen this all before, hindsight is 20/20.

Monday, January 21, 2019

American Indian Attacks Catholic Teens in DC

Nathan Phillips is the American Indian face of Hate. He hates you because you represent people he was brought up to hate; White Americans of European decent. So what if your family came to the United States in 1968. YOU represent the European Imperialists from 300 years ago. And you must be made to feel the guilt and to PAY for what they did. It’s YOUR FAULT.

Nathan Phillips, an unapologetic racist, who does not hesitate to use his past Vietnam service as a shield and as an excuse for his taunting and aggressive behavior against...children.

What a chicken-shit!

It was he who approached the teens. It was he who got in the face of a 16 year old boy from Covington Catholic High School to purposely provoke him and in an attempt to goad the youngster into a recordable reaction but the teen did not take the bait.

This “Adult” who should be ashamed of himself for his antagonistic and yes, Racist behavior instead claims that it was HE who was in fear of the teens, that it was HE who was the victim although the teens made no move toward him and said nothing while he got into Nick Sandman’s personal space and literally taunts him, hoping the boy will do something that will promote his cause of hate. He purposely and with malice aforethought singled out the boy for a possible confrontation because, more than likely, he was wearing a MAGA hat. 

The Omaha Indian tribe, to whom Nathan Phillips belongs, is obviously a racist group of "professional victims" that has no qualms about using Nazi propaganda tactics against WHITE KIDS. The Omaha tribe is nothing different from any HATE GROUP. They came to DC to cause trouble and make something happen.

Well, they did make something happen. They managed to expose to the nation, yet again, how phony their Leftist causes are and how phony the U.S. Media is. They're just Anarchists. Hating and tearing down what you do without answers or a plan of their own. 

Lies, Lies, Lies

Reports were that the teens taunted peaceful black preachers yet revealed video showed these radical black "Israelites" who were calling the teens anti-catholic, homophobic and anti-white slurs.

It was also reported that the teens were chanting “Build the Wall” but nothing has surfaced in this ‘everybody has a video device” world to corroborate such a thing although there have been plenty of people coming forward that said this was never the case.

MAGA Madness

What is it about the MAGA hat that causes the Left to feel their pulse pounding in their temples to the point where they commit acts of out-of-control violence and exhibit behavior that a reasonable person could only refer to as “Unhinged”.

Perhaps it’s what the letters stand for: “Make America Great Again”.

Is it this what they’re against?

All Catholics are on Notice

You’re now in the wrong religion. You are persona non grata and if you’re white, make that double. You are on the hit list. Nobody on the political Left wants you to succeed. You must fail. Go back to your own country.

This is now Us against Them and if you can’t figure out who’s side you’re on yet, you better get yourself plugged in. The American Indian’s hate you, the Black Lives Matter people hate you and the Media Hates You.

Another Black Eye for the National Media

It is so tiresome. When someone tries to tell me something in the usual gang of idiots media groups all I ever have to say now is: ‘That’s not true.”

Because - fill-in-the-blank - isn't true. Nothing is true anymore. What can they possibly tell me that I’ll ever believe? This includes the Weather. The American Media has a TRUITH problem.

They have a mighty hard time telling it.

It is all so dishonest. All so hate-filled and agenda driven. No news involved actually. It's just THEM telling YOU what you should believe. You either believe what they believe or your are WRONG. 

This is what you went to Journalism School for, to become a propagandist for some Left Wing anarchist media organization? Your parents must be so proud of you!

“Dad, did you see my hit piece on this group of Catholic School teenagers I wrote yesterday?”

“Why yes I did son, and a fine piece of fiction it was too!”

And we used to joke about the phony news from Russia! Russia’s got nothing on the U.S. Media. The National Media has become the world’s biggest liars.

China and Russia can only watch and learn.