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Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Al Franken is a Big Fat Pervert!

And a “Lying Liar who tells Lies” on top of it.

Can one think of anything more insincere than Mr. Franken’s apologies? His dead-pan delivery and feigned embarrassment is certainly as hollow a non mea culpa as any politician can utter.  To find something as equally evasive one would have to travel all the way back to 1996 where President Clinton "didn't have sex with that woman.". It all depends on what your definition of "Grope" is. 

To Senator Franken it's just like a handshake...but lower. 

The name calling, smart talking Senator from Minnesota, always the smartest man in the room, has been caught with his “hands in the cookie jar” once too often and has now “taken responsibility “ for his actions…meaning he’s not going to do anything but keep a low profile and hope it all eventually blows over. I mean, he's not an "Idiot" like that fat Rush Limbaugh, right?

Surely, the “Giant of the Senate” author feels, something else will come along to knock this issue off of the front pages of media outlets. All he has to do is wait a couple of weeks.

But although he wrote a book about “The Truth” Senator Franken has had a hard time recognizing it now that it has become he who must tell it. He “cannot recall” how many times he’s goosed the electorate of Minnesota. Perhaps he’s done this so often he can’t remember whose behind on which day he has grabbed. I’m sure they all blend together over time. 

Senator Franken remembers it all "differently" as if he can't remember what he actually grabbed. She says he grabbed her behind. He remembers grabbing...something else maybe? Or perhaps he recalls being INVITED to grab her behind. Most Minnesota women. he recalls, welcomed him...Al Franken, to grab their behinds! After all, he is a Genius!

Oh, the things he knows! If he could only now remember them.

But don’t expect him to resign. It’s not going to happen. Senator Franken is going to make the people of Minnesota vote him out of office. Sorta like a dare. This is why he...Al Franken, is smarter than everybody. He’s a screen writer, best-selling book author, an actor, a Senator…and a perverted groper of women.

Hell, he could stay in office as long as John Conyers!

Due Process is now called for

Now the Democrats are calling for letting due process take its course.  “Let the Ethics Committee do its work and give us their findings.” is now the call. I’m sure they’ll be jumping right on that.

There was no due process for Roy Moore. He was just supposed to drop out of the race for the Alabama senate and wait to be cleared afterwards even though his alleged misdeeds were reportedly from 40 years ago. At any rate, the newest allegation is from 26 years ago.

Not Al Franken’s allegations. They’re fresh. He’s fresh. It’s all just so…fresh. 

You know, Al Franken reminds me of that nerdy kid you knew in high school, short with glasses, who never could get girls to give him the time of day despite helping them with their homework all the time. He HATED the captain of the football team because he was a dumb jock who got all the chicks and he, the boy genius, couldn't get one to remember his name. "Well!" I can hear a young Al Franken vowing, "One day I'll make them envy me!"

But nobody ever did, especially now. 

But ultimately Senator Franken isn’t going anywhere in a hurry and perhaps that will be a good thing in the long run for Roy Moore should he prove victorious in Alabama. How are the Republicans not going to seat him and stare at him...Al Franken, sitting there in the Senate? The Republicans need the votes as badly as the Democrats do.

The difference is that Roy Moore denies the allegations and Senator Franken won't admit he can't.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Why the GOP Wants Roy Moore Out of Senate Race

It's tough being a supporter of President Donald Trump. Especially if you are also running for office. It's a given that the Democrats will hate you.

And the Grand Old Party of the Republican State hates you too.

This is why the GOP establishment "believes" all of the Roy Moore accusers. Doesn't matter if there's proof, they are just going to believe whatever is said since any excuse will serve them asking for Roy Moore to step out of the race for the Senate in Alabama. The LAST thing they want is another Trump Republican holding a Senate seat.

Roy Moore is on record of going after both Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan, people who have been throwing their weight against President Trump's campaign initiatives to end the Affordable Care Act and to overhaul the tax code. It is these hypocrites along with the crazy dead man walking, John McCain, who are the Never Trumpers. Roy Moore has also lead the public cheers that those two pathetic RINOs from Arizona and Tennessee will not run for re-election, namely Republocrat Senators Jeff Flake and Bob Corker.

The prevailing GOP establishment view of Roy Moore mirrors that of Donald Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign; they would rather see a Democrat they can "work" with win than a Republican who they can't.

This is the real reason the GOP is, for the only time in recent memory, in lock-step agreement over Mr. Moore stepping out of the Senate race. The GOP can't seem to get together on anything else while Donald Trump is president but THIS is the Great Cause they have united for. You're not even allowed to defend him or risk a boycott like that knuckle-head Sean Hannity. And it all has happened within 7 days. The rush to judgement is no accident. This was an orchestrated maneuver.

Even old Wishy-Washy former Massachusetts Governor and FAILED presidential candidate Mitt Romney has crawled out his bank vault wearing pointy-toed boots to kick Roy Moore while he's down. He too "believes" the stories as if anybody even remembers who Mitt is or takes anything he says as anything other than Sour Grapes.

Do Ryan, Romney and McConnell care if Roy Moore did any of what was said he did? Hell no, but it has provided an opportunity to try to knock off the real opposition they face: Real conservatives with principles.

The Democrat Modus Operandi

We haven't seen this sexual harassment ploy in politics since 1991 when Ted Kennedy engineered the first "High Tech Lynching" of Justice Clarence Thomas. At Thomas' Senate confirmation hearing the Democrats suddenly put up a former Thomas aid, Anita Hill, to claim that Judge Thomas has sexually harassed her over years of working together. This almost derailed one of the most consistent and unbiased justices to ever sit on the Supreme Court. Good thing Ms. Hill was exposed under questioning as the liar she was in time.

The secondary tactic of "Victim Pile-on" where more and more people, after "years of silence" now come forward with only verbal accusations and no proof and having seemingly never said a thing to anyone ever over the years about what they say had happened. But the shear weight of the numbers of "victim" accusations leads people to believe that "they can't all be lying!" So it all must be true.

But actually, they CAN all be lying.

For this tactic to work, all the players have to be in on it. When the plan is well executed, like with Bill Cosby, it's hard for the man to defend himself.

Which brings up a big puzzle for me with Bill Cosby. Am I expected to believe that these 60+ women all went over to Mr. Cosby's place alone, were all drugged and had against their will in the America of the 1960s where all a black man had to do was J-walk or use the wrong toilet to get arrested, and nobody every reported him and he was never arrested? Or was he really too famous for the cops to go after in those racially charged days of segregation riots, accusations of "uppity" black men and women who were still referred to publicly as "negros"?

And will anyone remember Mr. Cosby was acquitted at trial?

But that's the game that's going on right now. Last minute allegations set against the backdrop of a national sexual harassment witch hunt where only accusations are valid and proof of purchase not required. A situation where the press will pillory anybody who's name is thrown out into the public domain and where plenty of women without fame of whose star has faded are thinking hard of what name they can throw out there next.

Ad to the mix these very real sicko Hollywood predators and nobody is going to know who is or who isn't the guilty party.

So it stands to reason that the Democrats, desperate for a Senate win, having failed in 8 special elections, are going to pick up on this atmosphere and run with it. Their friends in the press are all too willing to help and their friends in the GOP are all too willing to help also.

Finally, the Democrats and GOP can't working together.