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Friday, September 14, 2018

Judge Kavanaugh Pees on Nurse as Infant

California Democratic Congresswoman Diane Feinstein has leveled yet another more despicable accusation at President Trump's Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavenaugh today. This is even worse than the allegation he sexually harassed an unidentified woman back while he was in high school.

Yes, this latest accusation of giving a "golden shower" to a young and inexperienced female nurse while he was about one year old has graver intonations since this is a well known act of dominance by a male when done to a female.

The FBI is looking into it.

Diane Feinstein Attempts the Clarence Thomas Maneuver 

It was an act of grasping at straws then and it's even more ludicrous now since we've seen this tried already. And it didn't work then either. The only difference was that the Democrats back when Clarence Thomas was being confirmed actually talked someone into going before the cameras. That someone was Anita Hill. She wasn't believable then and she's not any more convincing now. It was a sham and well, that's American politics for you. And despite the hand-wringing and the gnashing of teeth. It failed in the end. And so will this attempt but with the cost of cementing these events into a newly confirmed Supreme Court Justice. Judge Kavanaugh will never be able to forget his treatment at the hands of these clawing, grasping weasels of a human subspecies; The Liberals.

Trump Administration Has the Nerve to Question the Timing

National Public Radio today expressed surprise and shock that the Trump administration questioned the timing of these latest accusations coming as they have in the run up to next Thursday's confirmation vote. Don't they know that an accusation should be enough? And based on this accusation alone, Judge Kavanaugh should admit he's not fit to hold the position and should withdraw in disgrace. After all, the accuser is unidentified and we all know what THAT means, right?

Life in the Me Too Universe

An accusation is as good as a conviction these days. Just make something up, which is clearly what this story is. Totally a blatant and telegraphed low blow to the genitals of common decency, truth and the unity of the country. But NONE of that matters to the Political Left. The ends justify the means. And even if this lie of lies delivered with a straight face doesn't work, and it won't, it will only set the bar lower so that these Marxist worms can go even lower in the future.

How such a notion is laughed at at face value only serves to remind me of the still lingering power of the Oposition Press. The Media Enablers of the Left will have televised debates and have "serious" discussions over who the accuser is and why they chose to come forward now, after what, 39 years?

What's your hurry?

The Liberal Judges

Judges Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor must look upon this bizarre spectacle and thank their Dark Lord that they are dyed-in-the-wool party Aparatchiks and didn't have to go through this type of grilling. Would they have survived such scrutiny?

We'll never know.

Judge Clarence Thomas

Clarence Thomas, fighting off his "High Tech Lynching" with his classic comment of being an "Uppity Black Man" has gone on from his Liberal Baptismal of Fire at the hands of the early Progressives who felt he was "the wrong kind of black man" to become the most consistent interpreter of the U.S. Constitution that I have ever had the good graces to witness. I thank the Universe that he was able to prevail and to prove, by his strict interpretation of the LAW of the LAND that the Democrats were right to be afraid of him for he has proven to be freedom's champion.

And I hope with all my might that they have just as good a reason to fear Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

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