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Monday, June 3, 2019

A Most Unusual Tribute to President Trump

"There's no such thing as bad publicity" - Phineas  T. Barnum

Rather than finding the Trump Baby balloon offensive, I think it's great. What a tribute to President Trump!

These people are going well out of their way. That balloon took a lot of time and money to make. And imagine also the time and money it takes to store, transport and maintain this thing never mind buying the helium to blow it up. It has to be blown up, manned by a crew of "Baby Sitters" and there's probably a permit to be paid for involved. Then it has to be deflated, carefully inspected, folded and loaded into a van and taken to a storage area...every time.

What a homage that is. 

So let's think about this for a minute.

They didn't think to make a giant "President Hillary Clinton" balloon to badger Mr. Trump as a protest. They didn't think to make a big ol' "Bring Back Obama" balloon to badger him either. I would see both as antagonistic. Imagine looking out and seeing a big balloon of the person they think should have been president. But this didn't enter their heads apparently.

Nope! They instead make a Trump Baby? That's a protest? It's a bit too good natured to matter much as a protest. Sort of a tongue-in-cheek type of a protest. More of a begrudging show of respect which stands in stark contrast to the Left's harsh rhetoric.

Similarly, and quite telling in fact, there isn't a "Putin Baby" balloon and most certainly isn't a "Xi Jinping Baby" In fact, when the Communist leader visited England, there were no protests at all. And although he has a popular T-shirt, the long dead Cuban revolutionary Che Graviera never got a balloon.

But of course we know that neither Russia, China or Cuba has a right to free speech or a right to protest and none of these country's "Presidents" are known to possess a sense of humor about such things.

If you should decide to fly a similar balloon in, for example, China, it seems highly likely you will soon find yourself bound, gagged and having all your organs aggressively harvested while still conscious in one of Xi Jinping's not-so-well-hidden Re-education Camps.

That is the antithesis of freedom.

If anything, the Trump Baby balloon represents a symbol of reverence. It's a symbol of freedom to express one's point of view and it's been done very well. It looks just like him. It's a great, floating work of art and it's creation, love him or hate him, was spurred by a great force in humankind today.

And regardless of it's theme, the Trump Baby represents by it's mere existence the ideas held by a higher First World society based on rule of law and human rights. The rules are the rules and whether President Trump likes it or not, there it is. To his credit he hasn't said a thing about it yeah or nay. He probably likes it too.

After all, President Trump has a sense of humor.

Unlike London's lurking and spiteful Mayor Sadiq Khan, who's first instinct upon receiving bad press was to declare that there should be CURBS upon what can be said about him in the media.

There have been other polarizing leaders in America before and throughout world history but in this age of instant media and the current deep divides in our society, President Trump has become the biggest focus of just about everybody on the face of the earth with a radio or television. He's a man you may admire or he's the man you hate or rather, LOVE to HATE.

But you definitely have a strong opinion one way or another and regardless of which one motivates you, you are still motivated.

It's the push/pull of a living breathing process of a society's constant fight for freedom and progress that still stands as a beacon to be seen by the world.

It's a beautiful thing.


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