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Sunday, February 21, 2021

The Biden Regime: Destroy! Destroy! Destroy!


There is no end-game for the Biden Cabal that has, via the greatest purloinment of an election in the history of the United States, come to power in this nation, not with a parade but by sneaking in the back cellar entrance. 

By trying to keep the Covid Scare lockdowns going as long as possible, these syndicate thugs hope to either come up with a brilliant plan OR just try to put off the inevitable economic retconning that will begin just as soon as the country is allowed to get back to business, IF it can get back to business. Once it does, the bills will start to come due and the whole mess will start to unravel. But it won't unravel slowly. It will make an incredible whirring noise like you get when you hook that big Marlin and it knows it has to dive. 

But there will be no brilliant plan coming out of Joe Biden's head or any of the empty noggin's he's brought with him. They aren't looking that far ahead. The Plan was to tear down everything first. That's it. Just destroy everything. What comes after never concerned them. Governing isn't what this is all about. The whole of the game and the plan is and has been from the beginning, is to tear everything down. 

Cancel the Keystone pipeline, put 11,000 people out of work. What is the plan to replace those jobs? No plan. "What's your point?" says Joe. South Dakota still has to get their oil to market so they'll just have to stick with driving their diesel powered tanker trucks over the state highways.

Good thinking. 

But it was never about good thinking. It is about destruction. Because Keystone was a good plan, was being successfully executed and had a solid goal in mind; get oil to market safer and more efficiently. It had to go. 

Open up the boarder with Mexico and let those people in. "Well sir, what are we going to do with them when they come? are we going to vet them? Discover who they are? Give them their shots to prevent them from bringing diseases into the country?" 

"What do you mean?" says Joe Biden. "What are you trying to say?"

There is no plan for what happens next. Never was. It's just "Let them in!" That's the plan: Chaos. 

All Anarchists know how to do is destroy. They can infiltrate, reconnoiter, plan, social engineer, undermine, threaten, loot storefronts, break windows and burn buildings down. But none of that has anything to do with GOVERNING. Radicals don't know how to govern, they are incapable. Look at Castro, the guy could lead an army and kill people. He took over, put himself in charge and look what he made. 

Anyway, there are too many examples of this kind of failure. The Left keeps saying, in order to convince themselves, that the NEXT TIME they get a chance, that they will get it right. But they never do. There is no right way of Communism. It's failed every time it's been applied. 

But the Biden Regime doesn't even go that far. They aren't even pretending to lead. The mission is to destroy. THAT, they are doing. 

It hasn't even taken 4 weeks to start gas prices climbing. Now this time they do have a plan, raise the national gasoline tax! A regressive tax like this is just the thing to aid the poor and reduce the costs of shipping. Good plan. 

The talk of re-entering the bad-for-us Paris Accord, even though nobody is going to pay any attention to it, including us. But there's money to be made for the Biden cronies, you can take that to the bank. 

Getting involved with Iran again for lord knows why other than President Trump and all the people who voted for him was against it. The plan there is: IN YOUR FACE! After that, no plan. 

And the "Plan" for Covid Relief is to, rather than getting people back to work, is to print more money and spread that bad paper around to the rubes. 

You can bet there will be no plan once the inflation starts to rise and the job lose continues to pile up. Biden and his Henchmen will just sit and watch. Or they won't even bother to watch. They'll just keep saying nonsense and their Media Enablers will continue to broadcast it like it was something important.

And what a bunch of nonsense they have already been spouting. Does that Jen Psaki ever answer a question? She stutters like a tractor in need of a tune-up when she genuflects and contorts to avoid any semblance of certainty or truth. Let's see how long they all can keep that up. 

The Complicity of the GOP

I blame the Republican Party for this debacle. They did nothing to scrutinize the election process or contest the dubious results. Instead they sat on their hands. They did nothing so this must be what they prefer. They would rather have the Biden regime than continued prosperity for the country. 

Useless Supreme Court

They are supposed to hear important cases. They are required to hear cases brought forth by legal voters. They punted. Go ahead, expand the Supreme Court, who cares. Why defend them when their job is to defend us and they just plain did not. They've taken themselves out of their role in government.

Biden Should Come Clean

In an ideal world the Biden Group should just put their hands up, admit they subverted the vote to gain the Whitehouse, admit they are in over their heads and throw themselves upon the mercy of the American people for what they've done. They should just admit what all of us know and few dare to speak. 

Let the person who was actually voted into the office, come up and run things. 

Otherwise, there's no reason to vote again. It won't make any difference since the Leftists now control the voting machines so just go live your lives and prepare yourselves the best you can for what's coming next. 

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant analysis only to be re-confirmed in 2022. The only logical explanation is that they are bent on destruction for the purpose of ushering in their preferred form of tyrannical government. I look forward to reading your future posts after the predictable midterm election debacle.
