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Friday, May 3, 2019

Facebook Owes You Nothing!

Why all the outrage?

You have no preponderance of privacy or right to free speech on Facebook.


Because you don't OWN it!

You are allowed onto Facebook at the behest and good graces of Facebook owner and CEO Mark Zuckerberg.

And whether he invented it himself or, as some have accused, swindled some other egocentric grifters out of it, Mark Zuckerberg is the person who can say who is allowed on HIS social media giant and who is not. It's HIS site and his marketplace. He is the arbiter of who has access. He does not owe you or anyone else a forum for anything you have to say to the people who are logged into his social media world.

You don't like it?

Then by all means get your own website or better yet, start your own social media company.

Alex Jones has his own websites. He, at least, has spent some time and money developing his own outlets for his wacky bullshit. That is his right and he's taken advantage of it. Being taken off of Facebook is a hit to fan access but he's not shut off since he controls his own media sites. You want to listen to his claptrap, you know where to find him. You are free to do so at your leisure and there will be no one to stand in your way.

Never heard of Laura Loomer but she has a website too. I can't speak to whether she's whacky or not since I can't be bothered but at least you can go find out for yourself without the "help" of Facebook.

Milo Yiannopoulos and Luis Farrakhan, those cheapskates, don't have websites. They rely on free access to Facebook and that other Zuckerberg controlled social media entity, Twitter, for an audience for their frenetic rants and streams of unconsciousness.

As for the impact to the owner of Facebook, it's a given that all these self-promoting radical high-wire acts are starting to become a major liability and a world-class pain-in-the-ass. The leaders of all the major nations are on Zuckerg's case in a vociferous and litigious fashion about the media mogul's site content and he no longer seems inclined to want to put up with it.

I can't say I blame him.

If I owned Facebook, I wouldn't want to hear it either. I wouldn't have put up with that self-absorbed bluthering lunatic Jones on MY social media site either. I can think of no other person who personifies the reason we should bring back Mental Institutions in this country than Alex Jones.

The Right Wing media is using the action Facebook is taking to generate sponsor revenue and whip up angry phone callers about how anti-free speech it is in regards to banning certain people and groups from Social Media. It may certainly be but it's not unlawful. Facebook is not publicly funded and is not bound by rules of public access rights. The US taxpayer isn't paying the bills.

It may not be fair but it doesn't have to be fair either. It can, and is, totally arbitrary. The "reasons" are equally dubious. That other extremist group, Media Matters, which seems under the rules ok to stay on Facebook, is essentially accusing Jones and Yianopoulas of complicity in mass murder since this Left Wing group has taken to branding Conservative groups as White Supremacists.

I wouldn't have Media Matters on my site either. Get off you Left Wing agitators!

While I find all these people yappy and annoying, they are no more or less dangerous than those yoyos who try to get people to eat Tide Pods or do death defying daredevil stunts that have lead to their less talented imitators not managing to actually defy death at all.

But those are ok, right?

But in reality a good reason isn't needed. Facebook is only using "Hate Speech" as a show. They have to say something for public consumption and since it's the catchword of the decade, it's very convenient. We all know there is no such thing as hate speech.

But you don't have a right to free speech on Facebook and you never did. They tell you that when you sigh up but nobody ever reads the agreement. Whether you read it or not, you're still bound by it. and with mounting pressure on the boy genius, it's going to be enforced more and more and the people and groups that they pick aren't going to like it. But they didn't build Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg did.

And what he says,goes.

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