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Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Obama Finally Gets His Scandal

And it's the biggest one we know of in the recent history of the United States!

I guess it was worth waiting for.

Yes, the 8 year historic reign of Mr. Obama who touted that his was the only incumbency that was scandal free, has now issued forth an epic tale of skulduggery. The level of underhandedness, straight-faced lies and judicial complicity that was undertaken by the Obama administration to undermine the 2016 Presidential election and turn it into a victory for Hillary Clinton was at a level that would make both J. Edgar Hoover and Nikita Khrushtchev green with envy. But while they may have referred to these acts of subterfuge as "business as usual", we will henceforth call it what it is:


How else can you explain it? Ordering the FBI to tap the phone lines of the Presidential nominee of the opposition party, then giving that information to their party's nominee, then leaking other inside information to a willing and enabling press corps to cause scandal and disorganize that person's campaign. That would be, to clarify, Donald Trump, now President.

This, unlike all the other non-scandals that didn't happen in the Obama White House, just might qualify. After all, mounting a Coup d'etat to preserve the linear Progressive power structure should add the needed criminality to surpass the past misdeeds of past Presidents that all appear so much smaller now.

So, after coming so close during his American stewardship, this should put President Obama and his corrupt Administration over the top. Other scandal candidates include:

IRS Targets Conservative Groups - Not a Scandal!

How about the IRS under President Obama going after groups that

Groups with names that included terms like "Tea Party" or "Patriots" were subject to increased scrutiny and not given tax exempt status as allowed for political groups under IRS guidelines. They were asked for donor lists, details of their on-line content and information about family members. All while other "less-than-conservative" groups were given express service.

Doesn't count, says the American Media!

Gun Walking - Not Scandalous!

The infamous Gun Walking (aka Fast & Furious) plan, lead by a person totally loyal to the cause but certainly not smart enough to come up with the plan on his own, Obama's then Attorney General Eric Holder, had administration agents allowing American-made, high-powered armaments to be sold across our boarder with Mexico to the the very drug cartels our boarder agents were in conflict with. This was done to undermine the gun rights of the American citizen but instead resulted in the killing of boarder agent Brian Terry and hundreds of innocent Mexican citizens.

But that was not a scandal in the eyes of the American Media. They still touted that the Obama Administration as Scandal Free!

Not Anymore

Well that's over.

The phony Plan A and now the phony Plan B, the Russia, Russia, Russia, collusion effort has all been proven to be a hoax, a stall and yes, a crime.

It's all about Get Trump and the biggest enemies of the People that he is battling are in his own government and the Anti-Constitutional agents of our future oppression. Oh, you can be as free as you want to be...just as long as THEY get to call the shots and continue to raid the U.S. Treasury and skim their take of the money from the U.S. Taxpayer.

Can Someone Finally Go to Jail? 

Can someone finally get arrested for this stuff? Somebody? Anybody? How can these people just be walking around and getting television commentary jobs and writing books? Is there no downside to trying to overthrow the government anymore?

Take the FBI - Federal Bureau of Instigation, with Director James Comey and Deputy Director Andrew McCabe. Can't we send these people to jail? It's their names on the line approving the phony investigation. A very public trial is in order. Somebody please get on that, won't you?

And how about former CIA Director John Brennan? The suppression of evidence is a crime. That's what he did. He also said in his reports that Russia was interfering in the 2016 election to boost Donald Trump. A total fabrication. Can't someone find a nice cell for this Deep State operative?

Then there are those two star-crossed conspiratorial love birds, Peter Strzok and Lisa Page? Surely at least they can be scape-goated to save the others.

So many more to add but it's tiresome to think of the volume of Left Wing Revolutionaries that have conspired to steal the vote, railroad the innocent and sabotage the nation for their own gain. Until some of these Keystone Cops go to jail, this scenario will only repeat in the future.

The American Media

While we're at it, can we just forget about the concept of "The Media Got it Wrong"? They haven't gotten anything wrong. They are in on the CON. The American Media isn't working for the Deep State, they ARE the Deeps State. They are just the Propaganda Wing. I don't know why anybody listens to them, watches them or pays any attention to what they say. Ditto for the so called Conservative media outlets. There is nothing to be believed from either of them. They are all cut from the same cloth. They're all con artists.

Trust your own instincts, you'll be better off.

Our Constitutional Government

The Ghost of Benjamin Franklin and his warning should dominate our minds: "Here's your Republic...if you can keep it."

The framers of the U.S. Constitution weren't a bunch of powder-wigged fools from a bygone age. They were the most successful and educated people of the age and they lived in a time of Imperial rule and wanted to protect future generations from Kings and Dictators. That was the plan anyway.

And so far, for the most part, this system still manages to work which the 2016 election has confirmed, at least in my eyes.

There is a "push-pull" inherent in this system where each party has enjoyed an equal opportunity at governance under the law. Today we see two major and ideologically separate parties vying for governance. Historically, a swing too far to the Left has in the past resulted in a equalizing swing to the Right and so both these parties have played a roll in the governing of the country.

The Obama administration is the first one that has been so blatantly caught red-handed attempting to change this push-pull dynamic to a Putch.

And one certainly gets the feeling that this time around the Political Left felt that they were VERY close to finally taking control of the election process in 2016. Hillary Clinton would certainly have set about finishing the work that G.W. Bush and Barack Obama had laid for her and secured access to the Federal Government for the Leftist Progressives for who knows how long.

Judging by the bizarre, transparent and incomprehensible reactions of the U.S. Media and the high crimes committed by planted agents of the Left in our government since the election of Donald Trump, one has to draw the conclusion that some long-laid plans by these Dictators-in-waiting were shot to hell in the last election.

As the late, great, Fats Domino used to say, "Ain't that a shame."

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