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Saturday, April 22, 2017

Government Scientists March for Government Science

There was a march in Washington, DC, the Boston Common and other places around the nation to declare freedom for science. But how free can science be if the government is funding it?

The claim is that they are marching to prevent government interference in science but it’s really that the NEW government does not wish to continue funding this particular propaganda cycle of Global Climate Warming Change since, after 30 years of this bullshit, people still aren’t buying the fear.

This accusation of “increasing attacks on science” is really just an attempt by the government owned science community to remain on the public gravy train and to once again proclaim that they are anything but props in the government political machine of the last administration.

“It’s not about the current administration,” said co-organizer and PUBLIC health researcher Caroline Weinberg. “The truth is we should have been marching for science 30 years ago, 20 years, 10 years ago…The current situation took us from kind of ignoring science to blatantly attacking it.”

But it IS, indeed, about the current administration because the “scientific community” has said nothing over the last 30 years since their message was the government’s message. What did science matter then? They were both on the same page and what a lucrative page it has been!

But now, the government, is not.

Oh, it was a good living for all these educated “science guys”, the ones who would roll out studies every other year of how: coffee is good for you,/coffee is bad for you/coffee is good for you, butter is bad for you/butter is good for you, cholesterol is killing you/cholesterol isn’t killing you.  All important stuff to our daily lives as if anyone ever had given up coffee based on such ground breaking scientific research. And on the other hand we hear not a word about all the crap producers are putting into the food. 

And clearly the biggest money maker out of all this science has been: The world is getting warmer, and warmer, and warmer, global warming is man-made, global warming is now climate change and it’s a global crisis, that it is almost too late and we’re almost at the tipping point if we don’t do something NOW about it so run, run out into the street and shout to the world that this must be stopped as if any government, in their modern and established pomposity and egotism, can do ANYTHING to change the weather. 

Just ask China how that's going.

The United States government, like I’m sure many First World countries, pays very well for research, especially research that supports the particular agendas of these administrations. What are all the so called “Climate Scientists” going to do now? 

They may have to “choke”, get a real job!

There is no mandate in the United States Constitution that the federal government HAS to fund scientific research. There is no law behind this taxpayer funded entitlement. The government funds scientific research for many purposes and one cannot escape that some of this funding is for political purposes. Funding a “scientific project” at a college in a Senator’s district was always a reward for good behavior and a plum and having a “scientific finding” to counter a detractor’s research to muddy the waters is also a helpful thing to have. 

We see this with the Climate Cabal where past respected organizations like NASA and NOAA confirm as fact mere conjecture put out for political motives.

If it wasn’t for the political activism and yes, the religious fanaticism of these scientists on "what to do" about the weather, the public would not have lost faith in what they say in the first place.

The partisan actions of these propagandists have been repeatedly exposed in their efforts to fudge the climate numbers that abet the global effort by their government benefactors to grab an even bigger slice of the private sector revenue, to take an even bigger role in the determination of the means of production and as a result rob the working class of even more resources thus rendering us all less and less free. 

These same “scientists” would not shed a tear over the loss of our freedom of self-determination. They only cry now over the loss of their role in the efforts to control the narrative. Oh, and they'll miss the money!

Without their credibility, these "learned men and women" are useless and in reality when the government REALLY wants something they can use, they just BUY it from a private party.

Although the government did fund the development of computers at certain stages, they weren’t invented in government funded facilities. Neither was the stage rocket, the gasoline engine, electricity, the electric light bulb, direct or alternating current, the electric engine, the airplane or any other useful item to the government. They waited until an entrepreneurial spirit invented it and then they BOUGHT it.

In other words, they relied on a Free Market system of product development because back in those days they actually felt they had a limited amount of money and were still careful about how much paper money they printed. There may have even been a feeling of responsibility to the public trust but the Lord only knows when that disappeared or if it ever existed.

It is time to get these educated welfare recipients and government yes men/women off of the public pay rolls and the sooner the better. They should actually have to go out and earn a living in the private sector for a change.

If they can.

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