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Sunday, July 12, 2020

The Anarchism of the American Left

Usually, Anarchism, by definition, is the desire and execution of far left elements of society to bring down governments in an anti-authoritarian revolt, to bring chaos due to a breakdown of government's ability to enforce its laws.

But what if your Anarchists ARE the government? What happens when they move to destroy their own states in an effort to destroy the over all economy and Federal government?

Well look no further!

The Leftists on the state level are exercising their own version of Anarchy by ignoring the Federal government and purposely sinking their state economies in an attempt to cripple the sitting President and exert jack-booted control of  all business in their domains.

This certainly turns the definition on it's head.

Understanding Anarchists 

Regular folks have a hard time understand how Anarchists think. Like Suicide Bombers, why would somebody destroy themselves just to get at someone else? If the state Governors crash their economies, wouldn't that hurt them and their supporters also?

Yes but...they don't care!

The goal is to reach the target. The costs will be only be weighed AFTER, win or lose. The point is to tear down, disrupt and destroy and if they are blown up in the turmoil they cause, well it will all be worth it in the end. To them, Martyrdom is a desirable achievement for the cause.

You, me, family, friends....all just collateral damage, means to an end. After all, this is War. Not for the hearts and minds of the people but for the fleeting opportunity to control them regardless if they want to be ruled or not.

Who thinks like that?

THEY do. And the sooner you figure it out, the better off we'll all be.

Crashing the States

How else can one explain the economic destruction being forced upon the United States by Leftist Governors like California's Gavin Newsom, Illinois's J.B. Pritzker, NJ Governor Phil Murphy, Connecticut's Ned Lamont, NY Governor Mario Cuomo, Gina Raimondo of Rhode Island and Massachusetts own Charlie Baker, who are closing businesses, giving orders, making demands and sending the Men with Guns after, not the criminal element, since the state courts are actually releasing convicted criminals back into society during this lock-down but sending them after ordinary taxpaying citizens.

This is for everybody, not just people who are at risk.

Is this for the Public Health?

Even if it saves JUST ONE LIFE, it'll all be worth it, won't it?

Well poverty has it's own health downside. And if people can't open their businesses, can't work, can't travel and if the hospitals are seeing nobody but people with the virus, we're going to have poverty.

So why would the Governors want to crash their own economies, it makes no sense.

Already told you, they don't care. All that matter is the goal.

Get Trump

The President can't run on the economy anymore, it's gone. The highest unemployment since the first Great Depression. The states are running record deficits, many even before this happened. Very little tax money coming in, hospitals laying people off and right now, I can confidently say that every town in the state of Massachusetts this week will be holding meetings about how many town employees they will have to furlough or lay off. The longer this goes on, the less and less there will be for everyone.

Still think this is to protect the populous from the Virus?

No Bailouts from the Feds

President Trump must stick to his guns about not rewarding this behavior and the chances are very good that no bailouts can even be possible before January since he has already vowed to veto bailout legislation. The Republican controlled Senate will not override a Presidential veto during an election year.

Should the Leftist opposition candidate, by some happenstance, prevail in November, they would not be able to write a check until they take office late January of 2021.

So...not gonna happen. The decision, should he actually sign such a bill, is the President's alone.

Square Yourself with God

We won't live forever and I for one am not interested in living like this. What an incredible waste of time it is running around being afraid you are going to die since, well, you're going to die, sooner or later. Most of us expect it to be later but we like to temp the Fates by seeing just what situations we can wriggle out of.

There is a daredevil in all of us, some more so and less so. Some people's idea of adventure may be hiking New Hampshire's Lafayette trail and for others, they aspire to jump out of a balloon at the world's highest edge with space. But each experiences the same thrill when they take that very first step.

After all, life is too short to live in fear.

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