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Monday, March 9, 2020

Joe Biden for President

This is amounting to Elder Abuse.

It's pretty obvious to anyone even partially paying attention that "Old Joe" has gotten a bit too old. And in their desperate bid to hound President Donald Trump out of office, the Democratic party is all too willing to throw this addled old man out in front of the world to ultimately publicly go off the rails.

It's kind of heartless if you think about it for a minute.

Joe Biden won't be able to do the job. The Biden Whitehouse, Heaven forbid, would be run by a shadowy committee of unelected "advisers" and Jill Biden.

The enabling media is going out of their way to limit access to the gaffs but they're all coming through because, let's face it, they're happening every time Joe Biden opens his mouth.

It's a sad state of affairs that the Democratic National Committee, in it's efforts to avoid a national referendum on Communism vs. Capitalism, would rather put up a man who is just not capable of debate or cognitive communication. It's actually unreal. And it could be a really sad spectacle should Joe be left one-on-one in a debate with President Trump, which would be inevitable should this charade continue. 

Capitalism vs. Communism 

It's almost funny that after 16 years as a House representative and then 13 years as a Senator, the DNC has suddenly realized that Sanders is a...choke...Communist!

That's right, he was ok enough when they screwed him over royally in 2016 but after whatever promises they made him then, it seems it's all forgotten now. The Democratic party is out to Get Bernie!

And they're doing almost too go of a job. If they should stop and consider that they're putting all their money on a man who can't function, their alienation of Bernie Sanders could come back to haunt them.

So again the American people, just as in 2016, are cheated out of a chance at the ultimate voting opportunity: Capitalism vs. Communism. This is just what the DNC doesn't want.

It is plain to see that the Democrats don't want this out on the table for a vote. They instead prefer to sneak their Socialist ideology into Congressional bills and through Judicial decisions. An outright vote will never do since given the chance, nobody would legitimately vote for their own demise.

It is in the Courts where the Democrats foist their wealth transfers and  vote-buying social give-a-ways on the American public since they can't win a straight up vote on such policies.

A Third Party Run?

But would Bernie Sanders even have the balls to do it? He has yet to demonstrate that he has.

I laughed out loud at the criticism Hillary Clinton had for Bernie. She said that Bernie had cost her the Presidency because he HESITATED before he finally endorsed her for president. Talk about living in denial!

First Hillary, Debbie Wasserman-Shultz and others in the DNC conspire to screw Sanders and all those idealistic people who busted their behinds on his campaign, out of the 2016 Democratic nomination and then wonder aloud why he "hesitated" to put in a good word for them! That's rich even for Washington politics.

What Bernie Sanders should have done then and should do now is show how he feels about all the support he's gotten from the Democratic party and run as an Independent Candidate or the Presidency. Why the hell not? His supporters aren't going to vote for Biden anyway, they're just going to stay home. Bernie might as well give the people who believed in him a chance to do what the Democratic National Committee has twice denied them; A chance to vote for Bernie for President.

It will also give the country a chance to vote definitively (for now) on which ideology they want the country to follow. It's a fair thing to ask.

What has Bernie Sanders got to lose now?


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