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Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Democratic Platform for 2020

"When one observes the nightmare of the desperate efforts made by hundreds of thousands of people struggling to escape the socialized countries of Europe, to escape over barbed wire fences, under machine gun fire - one can no longer believe that Socialism, in any of its forms, is motivated by benevolence and by the desire to achieve men's welfare."

Ayn Rand - The Monument Builders - 1964

Just when you think the Political Left can't get any more radical, they somehow manage to come up with crazier schemes to "help" the American people.

So, with a few additions, the Democratic party has strengthened their resolve to bring the reforms they think we all deserve.

Open Rebellion

Here's an idea that hasn't been tried since the 1860s; open warfare. Brute force disguised as compromise. Compromise usually means that both sides make concessions. One gives a little to get something in return. But there is nothing offered in return. You either go along with the plan or you are an enemy to be crushed.

A Living Wage is a Right

An unearned benefit for the worker and an unchosen obligation for the business owner and increased costs all around for the consumer. Inflation would rise and the "living" wage granted by government would just even out by the increased costs. Government imposing a price rise is not a market force and the market will react quickly and naturally to restore equilibrium. And loads of people and businesses will be hurt in the process.

You don't have a right to an income. The Founding Fathers only state that you have the right to the pursuit of happiness, not happiness itself. You have the right to take the steps you feel necessary to make you happy. This does not mean others must make you happy.

The Green New Deal

One doesn't have far to read into this "Thing" to find that it means Confiscation, Appropriation and Re-Distribution. It's great if you're the one taking, not so great if you're on the other end. And oddly, the "Poor" never seem to see a dime of it. Ask all those dead Bolsheviks who spent 3 lifetimes waiting for the payoff of the Glorious Revolution that never came. Ask all the dead Chinese who were told that abundance was just a little bit further but further than they lived to see. Ask all those stupid-assed Chavanista's who are fending for food in the daytime and trying to hold onto their misled lives at night. All easily pusueded yet stubbornly hard to convince in regards to who led them down the primrose path of good intentions and copious pools brackish water.

Climate Change is REAL! Really! It Really is!

No, it isn't. Never was. The only people who say they believe in it are the ones who foolishly think that they will be among the people who stand at the top of the heap in power. Little do they know that assassination is more likely their fate. The higher they think they'll climb the more hurt they'll feel when they realize they've lost the game. If you really do believe it's true, you basically have a weak mind and can't tell the difference between a truth and a lie.

Just the collusion between NASA and NOA exposed by WikiLeaks should have been enough to show the world how much of a hoax it all was but since Climate Change has become a religion unto itself, there's no talking to these people now. They are just insufferable, intolerant crazed berserkers.

Retroactive Birth Control

That's right folks, a woman can choose to terminate her pregnancy right up until the child is ready to start Junior High School. After that, it would be murder.

Abortion on Demand has morphed to abortion any time regardless of viability. Just kill 'em if they want. We'll make it the law.

The Rights of the State vs Individual Rights

And this is the crux of the whole thing. Does the Individual have rights to do what they desire in life or does the State have the right to tell them what their desires are and that they must sacrifice their dreams for the good of the many. To the Socialists, there is always a payoff just up the road. All your sacrifices will be worth it...later. But it's coming...just a little bit further.

Not to worry, you'll never live to see it.


So the 2020 election objectives are pretty darn clear. Collectivism or Individualism. In the latter, you carry the burden for yourself. In the former, you carry the burden for others.

You can give up the fruits of your labor for the greater good or you can put your sweat and efforts into providing for you and yours and expect your neighbor to do the same for himself.

There is a word for someone who toils but does not reap the benefits of their own labor. We call that person a SLAVE.

So, for whom do you want to bear the burden? Your family or someone else's?


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