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Monday, November 11, 2019

Icon of the New Religion

Love her or hate her, believe that she acted on her own or was manipulated by her social-activist parents or whatever, one has to see with clear eyes how Greta Thunberg has gained a more than mere cult following among the new wave of religious zealotry that is permeating the world at large.

This is not a new thing as we know and although none of us living today were around when the last couple of religious cults started, perhaps we're seeing how it may have happened way back when. Young Ms. Thunberg didn't happen overnight, of course, since world society is heading into its third generation of people brought up as climate cultists.

Many point to Rachel Carson's 1962 book "Silent Spring" as the "Bible" of the movement which had it's roots back in the 1950s when Ms. Carson, a trained Marine Biologist and nature writer, became interested in the effects of synthetic pesticides used in agriculture and DDT in particular. This book got DDT banned and sparked a movement that lead to the establishment of the Environmental Protection Agency.

Given this sort of social success, the Climate Cult has grown larger around the world to the point where it is now in direct competition with the older more established cults of the past 2,000 years. In the same fashion that Paganism, which deified storms and other actions of the natural world, was eventually swept away by the Monotheists, so now the circle will be complete and society is again embracing natural phenomena as acts of the new, angry God.

The Mural in San Francisco

So this Argentine artist, Andres Inglasias, is painting a 60 ft by 40 ft mural of Greta on a building in San Francisco and the non-profit group that commissioned the work has gone out of it's way to make any detractors aware that they only use water-based paints with eco-friendly spray cans and use electric vehicles, etc since there are two groups of people they have to be concerned with.

On the one hand they have the Conservative Unbelievers who will point out any hypocrisy in materials and deeds that they should slip up on right down to getting coffee in a Styrofoam cup and on the other is their fellow Orthodox Environmentalists who will do the same thing but with more shaming.

Greta the Spiritual Icon

To me, Greta Thunberg has an interesting face, not pretty, not ugly, more determined and always it seems unsmiling. This is the kind of face, with it's strength of conviction, that leads a cause. She's done her penances, she's made her pilgrimages, coming to the United States and even speaking to the United Nations. Who gets to do that? Not everybody.

Although soon to be 17, Greta took Earth's Plight into her life when she was 8 years old and although welcoming of her strong stance, I don't believe her parents were behind her religious devotion to the cause of Climate Activism. We all know how young children can get fixated on an idea and even though she has adopted the religion of her parents, I believe it was she alone that chose to take the next higher step of the truly devout. She has transcended her mentors. 

She has organized strikes, gained followers and established her disciples to whom she has proven her devotion. She's now become the face of the new expansion, an icon for the new Masthead.

Think of her as the young Mother Theresa of Climate Change, sacrificing all for her dedication to her cause, answering the call of her God and now, with divine light, they are ready to take over the world.

How to Spot Cyber Fraud

In a somewhat related note, most of the working world who use computers and work on the World Wide Web have read about or taken training on how to spot what has become one of the worlds most prevalent dangers, Phishing Scams! So, as a sort of Public Service Announcement, I'd like to take this moment to point out the one glaring giveaway to look for as a sign that that you are being set up for fraud...

a Sense of Urgency.

Fraudsters are just using human nature against you. They know that most people just want to do the right thing and so they seek to exploit a person's sense of wanting to be helpful.

By using call to action statements like; "We Need to Act Now!, We Can't Afford to Wait!, Time is Running Out!" and "There is No Time to Lose!", the fraudster is looking to hurry you into making a mistake that they can take advantage of and so stands as a clear sign that the person or people you are dealing with are trying to manipulate you.

Hope this helps.

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