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Monday, February 11, 2019

When an Apology isn't an Apology

llhan Omar, the Anti-Jew Representative from the state of Minnesota has issued an “apology” for yet another of her hateful anti-Semitic rants.

We don’t need a full description, we’ve heard them all. Ms. Omar just can’t help herself. She’s a Muslim with Tourette’s syndrome but instead of swearing, she spouts hateful shit about Jews and the Jewish state.

But that can’t be helped because she’s from a part of Minnesota that hates Jews, her parents hate Jews, her church hates Jews and most of the people she grew up with hate Jews.

I mean, she had to learn this somewhere.

And that somewhere was right in her own back yard, home and church. Given this kind of upbringing, is it any surprise that llhan Omar hates Jews too? Of course not, she's descended from a long line of Jew haters!

And now she has a seat in the U.S. Congress. That means plenty of Jew-hating folks in the state of Minnesota must have voted for her to be there. She represents them now in American Government.

Her Jew-hating community must be so proud.

Now she can trumpet her hatred of the Jews and the Jewish State to the four corners of the country and urge other’s to join her in a coalition of hating the Jews.

A Weak Non-Apology

Her apology for her most recent Jew-hating remarks, if one would call it an apology, was just so very weak and without substance. If you really want to apologize, you don’t actually use the term “I apologize” since it has a hollow ring to it. That's the over-the-phone customer service apology you get when you discover that your phone company has been over-charging you for the last 6 years. They don't care that they over charged you one bit, but since you figured it out they'll say "We apologize for that error." and then they'll blame the computer. 

And so just like Representative Omar's apology for once again being caught openly hating the Jews, it's Bullshit. 

But if a person really means it, what a real person who cares would say in apology is: “I’m Sorry”.

Like “I’m sorry for the awful words I said and the inaccurate and hurtful allegations I made.”

But that’s only if you mean it and, of course, Ms. Omar certainly does not. So subsequently she didn't come close to saying anything like that. But that's just because she's a dyed-in-the-wool Jew hater and always will be. Just because some old chic who runs the House of Representatives tells her to make an apology, that doesn’t mean it’s right. Right?

And she obviously doesn’t think it’s right because instead of taking responsibility for what she said, she boarded a new train to ride on in an attempt to carry her past the revelations of her own evil words. Now the boogie-man is “Lobbying”, an indirect and less acerbic reference to AIPAC, the lobbying group associated with Israel here in the U.S.

Lobbying, Really?

As far as stopping lobbying, good luck there Ms. Omar since the history of lobbying is just as long as the history of government. It’s not just a part of government, Lobbying IS government. There are ongoing efforts to curtail it but it’s never going away.

But to be clear, the most recent statements of Representative Omar has nothing to do with Lobbying groups in American government. It’s about Jewish Lobbying groups in American government. That’s because the bottom line for Representative Omar and the people who back her in Minnesota and Washington DC is the hatred they have for the Jewish people.   

Representative Omar is in Congress to do a job. And that job is to work on legislation for the benefit of the state and cities of the people who sent her there. Knowing how the U.S. Government works and how to get legislation passed should be at the top of her list.

 But it seems that hating the Jews is really her top priority.

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