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Thursday, October 19, 2017

America's Hypersensitivity to Speech

There is nothing you can say today that won't offend SOMEBODY and that somebody wants you to STOP speaking.

Doesn't matter who you are these days, you're going to say something wrong. And when you do, there will be someone there to complain because THEY didn't like what you said.

Well Boo Hoo!

Soldiers Know What They're Getting Into

The fact that you are going to be shot at with bad intention is always being drilled into your head in boot camp. The very reason you are trained to follow orders is to keep you from looking around when someone yells "duck!" so you won't get your fool head shot off. It's the first thing they tell you.

Just being a soldier means the odds of you getting killed go up dramatically. Many soldiers are killed in training. Many are killed by their own fellow soldiers, mostly in error. Then there are the people actually trying to kill you.

If you want "Politician Speak" then vote for a politician. Most people, and don't get me started about the popular vote, most people voted for a non-politician, Donald Trump, because they were tired of the Bullshit they were hearing from professional politicians. So here he is and don't be surprised by what he says or suddenly decide to hold him to some phony "Presidential Standard" that never existed before President Trump came along. Instead just come clean and admit it, you hate Trump. You'll be a lot more believable.

Now if you actually voted for Donald Trump and are still offended by anything he may say, all I can tell you is to Shut Up!

You knew what you were getting into.

Women ARE Sex Objects

And so are MEN. Duh! For those of us who desire to have sex with a woman, we look at women to evaluate their suitability for sex and child bearing. Women also OBJECTIFY men in a fashion to determine if they would like to propagate their genes with them based upon their ability to deliver, ahem, the goods. That means "have sex" for the literary challenged.

What Harvey Weinstein was doing didn't have much to do with actual sex. Sexual contact to him was just an act of domination, like any rapist. He just wanted to lord his superiority over someone. This is why he acted as cavalier and brazen with men as he did with women.

Of course, you can't cheat an honest man. The people who laid down for  Mr. Weinstein over the years and put up with his cravings just to keep their jobs are just Prostitutes themselves and are no better than he is.

Oh what price fame!

But to attack men for treating women as sex objects is stupid since both men and women are sex objects to each other and sometimes their own. To deny that is to deny human instinct.

You see, women ogle men just as much as men ogle women but since men have a narrower range of vision, we get caught much easier looking at a woman's rear end. A woman's field of vision is much wider than a mans and she is able to see your behind quite clearly while pretending to look somewhere else.

I swear some of these chicks complaining just need to get laid.

Banning Halloween

Halloween is older than Christianity. Much older. It goes all the way back to the early campfires of Man. It falls on either October 31 or November 1st depending on tradition but it is the evening when the veil between the realm of the living and the realm of the dead is the thinnest and people believed, and they still believe, that communication with the recently departed is likely at this time of year.

Plus Halloween is a good time to dress up and pull pranks.

So what is wrong with dressing up like an Indian?  Indians suddenly in denial they dressed in feathers and skins? How about a Chinese Coolie? Did they not exist. Are the Chinese suddenly ashamed of their past? How about dressing as a Cowboy. Didn't they shoot Indians? And didn't Indians shoot Cowboys? Why are we trying to pretend this all didn't happen?

If children dressed up as Colonial or British Soldiers then they'd be accused of White Supremacy.

I heard some idiot on NPR today saying that for an immigrant to assimilate into American Culture would mean they'd be forced into "White Culture". Never mind that most immigrants actually come here to become Americans.

You just can't win.

John McCain Cannot Drop Dead Fast Enough

If you can find a person more bitter and dislocated than Senator John McCain these days, please point them out. Hillary Clinton, by comparison, is but a distant second place.

Here is a man who tried for the U.S. presidency, had the backing of his party, the GOP, had money'd backers behind him and thought he had a good chance of winning.

But he was the only one. Turns out he was a cantankerously terrible candidate who mistakenly picked a real conservative as a running mate who only highlighted how much of a "made man" he was with the establishment party. John McCain was nominated to lose. Sorta like that basketball team that always played the Harlem Globetrotters and always lost. That team was aptly named The Washington Generals. Mr. McCain was the captain of the team.

And now he sees a non-politician, untrained in diplomatic speech and uninitiated in the GOP go out and win the presidency with no experience and no political affiliation.

Hate is radiating off of John McCain like heat waves from an Arizona highway in the summertime.

Never mind the brain tumor, THIS is what's REALLY killing him. McCain would have rather seen Hillary Clinton win the White House than Donald Trump. Go ahead, somebody, ASK HIM!

This haunts him like nothing else McCain has ever experienced. You stupid MORON! No, not Trump, but YOU PEOPLE who voted for Trump.

Now Mr. McCain is going to shoot down and blow up everything Donald Trump has promised and is working for and in doing so, working against the American people who voted for Trump. John McCain is going to show you how futile it is to want to improve the standard of living of the American people. He'll show you.

John McCain is a bitter, bitter little man.


But the truth of it all is that in America, this is all protected speech. This "outrage" is designed to distract you and silence you. These idiots kneeling, these people offended, should mean nothing to you. You shouldn't be distracted, in fact you should just ignore it and stay focused on the real issues of the day: That the Affordable Care Act is killing your insurance coverage and that the American Taxpayer needs a Goddamned break! We need small business back in business and all this hoopla is just a front to keep you from holding the people responsible accountable for their actions.

Now that's an outrage. 

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