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Sunday, June 23, 2019

My Message to Kelly Anne Conway

The first time I laid eyes on Kelly Anne Conway was she was on one of the Leftist Sunday morning political programs, I believe it was 'Disgrace the Nation" or something like that. I was hanging at the counter of the my breakfast place which always had the one little TV on for our Sunday morning entertainment. The morning political shows were always a catalyst for lively debate amongst the morning rabble.

Well the show had the political hit squad on board and Kelly Anne lit into them like Grant at the battle of Richmond! She was so quick, articulate, factual and she remembered everything these people had said in the past and was using their own words to hit them over the head with and proving they were all hypocrites.
She left them literally stuttering. They looked lost and grasping for something more to say.
And I was like, "Who IS this person?"
I knew she was on Donald Trumps campaign staff but I've never heard a Republican liaison speak like that to the opposition, ever.
I mean, aren't Republicans supposed to just apologize for the accusations the media makes? They aren't supposed to fight back. I mean, they never did before. Not since Ronald Reagan.
This sort of offense was long over do.

Kelly Anne was so brave and fearless. She didn't care who she was talking to, she would blast them...with facts. That overstuffed Wolf Blitzer...she shredded him. No matter who went after her, she had something particular to say back to them. I can't imagine they would think it wise to keep coming at her but we all know by now that the political Left takes no backwards steps, feels no remorse or shame and will just come back day after day even when they know they're just taking a beating. If they can only convert but one soul to the dark side of human existence, then it will all be worth it to them.  
There was another time they had some insolent Lefty chic have a go and the results were the same. They couldn't beat her. She was the smartest person in the room. And she would just wait, smiling, for the next question.
There is not doubt in my mind that Kelly Anne Conway was the juggernaut that lead the Trump Team to victory. The long-marginalized voting taxpayer finally had something to cheer about.

So Kelly Anne, If you read this, don't worry. This Hatch Act baloney is just more Never-Trumper hatred. You're doing an incredible job!

But now, while I'm at it, there's something more I'd like to say to you...

Time to Dump George!

Really, don't you think it's time you leave this guy? This guy is your husband?

How can this even be?

I mean, when was the last time you even saw each other? I'm sure he's not allowed to visit you at the White House. I'm sure the guards don't even recognize him. If it wasn't for Fox News Channel putting up his picture ever time he opens his mouth, who would?. I never even heard of this guy!

But anyway, what I'm saying is, you need a man in your life. Not a whiny, jealous of your success, more than half-crazed individual that keeps trying to publicly undermine your career. There are better men out there. Men who won't try to pull themselves up by pulling others down, especially their wife!

You deserve better.
And just what is up with this George Conway anyway?
Thanks to Fox News and the Doom & Gloom Drudge Report, I can never escape the reports of George Coming out with the latest "Trump Revelation". The so-called Conservative Press reports every crazy thing he says. His vocabulary must be quite limited since he only ever says the same thing over and over again. "Trump Unhinged, Trump Unstable" Blah, blah, blah. I've already heard it from him more than once. No use hearing it again...and again.

I'm minding my own business and look up and there's old nobody George again, blathering the same sad "warnings". I guess there's no cure for Trump Derangement Syndrome.

And what kind of news station would devote so much time to an obviously sick man?

Fox New will! Good ol' Fox "click bait" news.

So what do you two even have in common? I don't see the attraction. Was it an arranged marriage back when you were both kids or something? That's ok, people make mistakes Kelly Anne but it's time you correct this one. Time to give big boy the royal shove.

You'll be better off and hopefully George will get the help he needs down the road. But that will no longer be your problem!

You've grown beyond him now. Way beyond. You are two people on opposite trajectories.

You are on the ascension!

And George is, as President Trump might put it, "Definitely not ascending"

And he just can't take it that his wife has done so much better than he ever did. This jealous outrage will only get worse.

So do the best thing you can do for yourself and send this loser packing.

The sooner the better so don't wait too long.

And when you do dump him, look, me up.

I'll be looking for your reply.

Friday, June 21, 2019

Don't Bomb Iran!

At least not yet anyway.

It's pretty clear the Iranian totalitarian regime is looking to goad the U.S. into a first bloody strike.

Shooting down the drone was a brilliant move since there won't be any grieving families on the television. Nobody got hurt. Then, by muddying the waters over the location of the drone when it was shot down, there will be uncertainty over which party is telling the truth. Is this a case of the "Bully of the World", the United States, looking for an excuse to attack Iranian or is it a war-like Iran attempting to start an international military conflict by shooting down a U.S. drone in international airspace?

The world will ponder since both sides are keeping a straight face.

On the U.S. side, there are calls for reprisal but extreme caution should be observed if past experience will be given attention. If the U.S. should actually fire missiles into Iran or Iranian targets, you know the pictures coming back will be those of civilian casualties and the hurt looks of Iranian diplomats.

Even if we should hit nothing but sand.

It's a miracle of nature that the U.S. can't seem to hit anything but civilians in these Middle Eastern countries. We bomb a military installation and the pictures come back as women and children. In a past experience we bombed a toxic gas manufacturing facility in Iraq and, surprise, it was a children's formula processing plant! Amazing how, with the most advanced tracking systems in the world to date, we can barely hit a terrorist.

But subsequently, the pictures aren't going to look good if we don't wait for further escalation from the ancient brain-trust of the Mullahs.

And wait we should.

We could send them the bill for $ 130 million, the cost of the drone. Then we could threaten to seize Iranian assets if they don't remit the balance within 90 days. That would be the businessman's answer.

Besides, what's one lost drone to the Pentagon? It's a drop in the bucket in their massive secret budget which is most likely larger than 90% of the world's economies.

They'll just order another dozen.

War Mongers to the Front

I'm starting to see the roll a person like John Bolton plays in the Trump administration. With a guy like him always calling for the destruction of "Name-Your-Adversary", if I was sitting in Iran, I could never be sure if the President would be seriously listening to him or not. It would be hard to think he would but there he is chanting "kill, kill, kill" all the time. And President Trump is saying "I don't know how long I can hold this guy back." It makes one wonder if it's a tactic.

Would that it were but it's a deadly game both the U.S. and Iran are playing and it reminds me very much like what happened at Fort Sumter back in 1860 to bring the North and South to begin the American Civil War.

It was important to Abraham Lincoln for the South to fire the first shot in the war. You know, that's important in politics so he decides to just send an unarmed supply ship since North Carolina, having already seceded from the Union, had stopped suppling the fort which was on an island in the harbor. So the southern garrison on the shore, seeing the ship, launched an attack on Fort Sumter and the result was the "War of Southern Aggression" with just about every adult male alive at the time ending up dead.

Iran Becomes North Korea

We know the sanctions are killing the Iranian economy, for what it is, and if we want to pursue any kind of retaliation, the U.S. would do well to keep it economic. The Iran government is trying to find a way to break out of this blockade and save face while doing it. A tall task. So they are rattling away and causing, in reality, minor destruction.

Planting mines above the waterline of a ship tells me they didn't want to actually sink it. They wanted a good fire but again, nobody got killed. I don't think anybody even got hurt unless they fell off of a ladder or something. The ships are insured for this sort of thing. Even the Japanese are downplaying the whole affair since the ship was bound for Japan. So this sort of non-aggressive aggression is mostly designed to bring attention to Iran's 'plight". Not enough there to start a fight.

Plus, it was not an American ship so just leave it to the insurance company accountants.

What to Do

It's pretty obvious. With the pundits all describing Iran as playing a "Long Game", that should also be our strategy as well. The North Korean playbook as been to do just enough to make people nervous and Iran is making people nervous alright but that in itself does not constitute grounds for war. Also, just like North Korea, Iran has threatened destruction of the economic means of their neighbors should the United States intervene militarily. In the case of the Middle East, that's the oil fields.

So standing back and waiting to see just how far Iran is willing to go in this game of chicken will serve the United States interests. Meanwhile it's Iran's economic issues that will continue to work against them. They've squandered their meager GDP over the years on guns for the military and not butter for the people. And now it's come to bite them in the ass. Mullahs and Economics don't mix.

I don't see any other nations stepping up and offering any support for an armed solution to Iranian skullduggery so instead of putting on our "Defenders of the World" hats yet again, we should just wait until Iran does something to piss SOMEONE ELSE off.

Until a major country like France, Japan or Spain steps up and says "Something should be done" about Iran, we should just keep working on closing our southern boarder. It isn't like we've got nothing better to do.

So until Iran decides to definitively fire the first bloody shot at the United States, we should wait it out. But if they do decide to pull the trigger first...

That will spell the end for them.

Monday, June 3, 2019

A Most Unusual Tribute to President Trump

"There's no such thing as bad publicity" - Phineas  T. Barnum

Rather than finding the Trump Baby balloon offensive, I think it's great. What a tribute to President Trump!

These people are going well out of their way. That balloon took a lot of time and money to make. And imagine also the time and money it takes to store, transport and maintain this thing never mind buying the helium to blow it up. It has to be blown up, manned by a crew of "Baby Sitters" and there's probably a permit to be paid for involved. Then it has to be deflated, carefully inspected, folded and loaded into a van and taken to a storage area...every time.

What a homage that is. 

So let's think about this for a minute.

They didn't think to make a giant "President Hillary Clinton" balloon to badger Mr. Trump as a protest. They didn't think to make a big ol' "Bring Back Obama" balloon to badger him either. I would see both as antagonistic. Imagine looking out and seeing a big balloon of the person they think should have been president. But this didn't enter their heads apparently.

Nope! They instead make a Trump Baby? That's a protest? It's a bit too good natured to matter much as a protest. Sort of a tongue-in-cheek type of a protest. More of a begrudging show of respect which stands in stark contrast to the Left's harsh rhetoric.

Similarly, and quite telling in fact, there isn't a "Putin Baby" balloon and most certainly isn't a "Xi Jinping Baby" In fact, when the Communist leader visited England, there were no protests at all. And although he has a popular T-shirt, the long dead Cuban revolutionary Che Graviera never got a balloon.

But of course we know that neither Russia, China or Cuba has a right to free speech or a right to protest and none of these country's "Presidents" are known to possess a sense of humor about such things.

If you should decide to fly a similar balloon in, for example, China, it seems highly likely you will soon find yourself bound, gagged and having all your organs aggressively harvested while still conscious in one of Xi Jinping's not-so-well-hidden Re-education Camps.

That is the antithesis of freedom.

If anything, the Trump Baby balloon represents a symbol of reverence. It's a symbol of freedom to express one's point of view and it's been done very well. It looks just like him. It's a great, floating work of art and it's creation, love him or hate him, was spurred by a great force in humankind today.

And regardless of it's theme, the Trump Baby represents by it's mere existence the ideas held by a higher First World society based on rule of law and human rights. The rules are the rules and whether President Trump likes it or not, there it is. To his credit he hasn't said a thing about it yeah or nay. He probably likes it too.

After all, President Trump has a sense of humor.

Unlike London's lurking and spiteful Mayor Sadiq Khan, who's first instinct upon receiving bad press was to declare that there should be CURBS upon what can be said about him in the media.

There have been other polarizing leaders in America before and throughout world history but in this age of instant media and the current deep divides in our society, President Trump has become the biggest focus of just about everybody on the face of the earth with a radio or television. He's a man you may admire or he's the man you hate or rather, LOVE to HATE.

But you definitely have a strong opinion one way or another and regardless of which one motivates you, you are still motivated.

It's the push/pull of a living breathing process of a society's constant fight for freedom and progress that still stands as a beacon to be seen by the world.

It's a beautiful thing.