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Sunday, April 22, 2018

When Watch Dogs Fail to Bark

We've seen this repeatedly now.

From Columbine High School shooting where the police failed to enter the building to confront the two shooters and actually didn't go in until the next morning practically insuring any wounded would bleed to death to the Marjory Stoneman high school in Florida and now the Tennessee Waffle House shooting where the shooters were either known to police or the police were in a position to intervene and instead the police did nothing.

And it's the guns we blame.

Under these circumstances we could have another hundred gun laws on the books and they wouldn't amount to a hill of beans since nobody is out there enforcing them. My mom used to say about an issue, " Just pass a law!" which was her way of mocking the whole "There aughta be a law against this.." crowd. A law is only words on a piece of paper. Just like the Bill of Rights, and if nobody steps up to defend either of them, they are worthless. Nobody is going to get saved.

And this particular shooting breaks my heart.

Upon seeing aspiring youth struck down truly saddens me. And what saddens me further is the political exploitation of their deaths before their family and friends even have a chance to grieve.

Especially when we all know that nothing is going to change until we start having our public servants do their jobs. The jobs we pay them a princely sum to perform and yet they time and time again fail to follow through on their duties as the public protectors. How can we debate taking guns away from the public when there appears to be no other alternative but to arm ourselves against such random acts of domestic terrorism? Are the police going to protect us?

I'm waiting for the answer.

We appear to be heading to the same issue the country went through in the 1970s were the State won't protect you but also you weren't allowed to protect yourself. A no-win situation. People were arrested every day for trying to keep from getting killed by criminals. We are going to bring this crime back, are we?

Even if someone in the Waffle House had a gun, I don't see a different result. The guy just walked up and started shooting. If you don't see it coming, how are you going to defend against it?

But to know, and we will know more, that the shooter was in the hands of law enforcement for acting crazy and here he is, shooting up a place. Again.

Perhaps the answer is really to bring back the Nut Houses.

We used to have several State run mental health facilities in this area of Massachusetts before Governor Michael Dukakis closed them. They were big places too, one in Foxboro, MA not far from Patriot's Stadium and the other in nearby Wrentham but both were shuttered. Now only two remain, Medfield State Hospital and the Bridgewater Facility for the Criminally Insane. Only Medfield is accessible to regular folk since Bridgewater is actually a prison.

The state has since found no replacement for such facilities and hence has no place to send people determined a danger to themselves and others. If law enforcement had a place to take these people when they come across them then perhaps they would do just that and document and identify them.

The argument to close these facilities was that this form of incarceration was a violation of the human rights of the people remanded to them. But it was really about the money.

And now society is paying a higher price for not having them.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Cuba Vows to Remain Impoverished

With the appointment of new supreme leader Miguel Diaz-Canal by the unelected Cuban National Assembly this week the last last gasp of the second longest reigning Communist nation can be heard.

Comrade Diaz-Canal, described lovingly in the Huffington Post article I read as "A consensus builder" and as "an approachable, efficient manager".  As if anyone is going to disagree with this new Cuban "President" when he is predictably "elected" during a national election. I believe we won't need to send former U.S. President Jimmy Carter over to the island to see if the vote is legitimate or not.

And as if any Socialist system is efficient. Because we know from mountains of history that it isn't and can't be. There is no efficiency in having nothing. I suppose you don't have much trash in such a situation since if you have nothing, you also have nothing to waste.

Cuba has nothing to waste most certainly.

And it looks like that trend will continue. The decorative reforms that have been carefully marketed to the rest of the world and lovingly trumpeted by the left-leaning media have amounted to nothing at all since, heaven forbid, anybody gets anything for their efforts. That just wouldn't be sporting. Gain is only for the Dictatorship, nobody else ever gets too much.

I heard on the radio that el Presedente elect Diaz-Canal will exert his efforts on "Perfecting Communism". Stop me if you've heard that one before. All the American Socialists have been saying that for decades now. "Just wait, one of these days we'll get it right, you'll see!" they declare but they never do. They can't. It's not possible with the State calling all the shots. We have a Stock Market in this country that's built on people investing their own money into products and enterprises they think will bring them a handsome return on their investment and there are loads and loads of very smart people who have gone bust thinking they knew what direction the Market was going. So how the hell is a bunch of indoctrinated revolutionaries going to figure it out?

Answer:They haven't and they won't!

Year after dreadful year the Cuban central planners have made the decision of where best to put the country's resources, what crops to grow and what products to produce. And they haven't even accidentally got it right. All those 1956 Chevrolet automobiles the Cuban people are still driving around in aren't going to get an upgrade any time soon.

Cuba has no infrastructure, no shining buildings of glass and steel and now even the old city buildings, built by a more advanced civilization now gone and with no one of knowledge or resources left to maintain them, are collapsing and burying their unfortunate inhabitants in the ruble of their past glory.

Cuba has a whole lot of nothing and the people who have the least know the most about what it would take to bring prosperity to this nation of pure Want. They don't believe anything will change with the continuation of Fidel Castro's "Plenty of Nothing for You" brand of government. They don't expect anything and to a world watching from the outside, it's a shame that they won't be pleasantly surprised. They won't EVER be pleasantly surprised. Not as long as these Commies run the place.

"We don't need no stinkin' Capitalism" declares the soon-to-be elected Cuban President, "We'll show everybody how much the Cuban people can suffer! You think people suffered under 74 years of Russian Communism? Just wait, we'll beat that and then some!"

Don't expect too much applause.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Trump Becomes G.W. Bush

Sorry, we don't need another "War President' like G.W. Bush. Granted he originally had war thrust upon him but he then turned it into a Raison D'etre and decided to keep war going as a political platform and to keep money flowing to his friends war enterprises. First President Trump signs a massive spending bill and next thing you know he's attacking Syria. Yep, he's G.W. Bush alright.

I really don't know what happens to these guys once they get in office. Bill Clinton intervened in the Bosnian conflict and messed that up and then the last president, what's his name, received a Nobel Peace Prize and then proceeded to intervene in conflicts we had no business being in. But in true fashion that a broken clock is right twice a day, he got Syria right. He stayed out of it.

Not so Donald Trump. The president who campaigned on getting us out of the Middle East keeps turning around and jumping right back in with both feet and no good reason what-so-ever.

It's France and England which covet Syria. They have their imperial plans, you know, the model they used in the previous two centuries to take over these countries and try to exploit their natural resources for their country's benefit. And in the case of Syria, it's the location they want.

So we are pretending to be the "World Police" again, this time really fabricating a very thin story line that nobody really believes just so the U.S. can lead the charge "For Duty and Humanity".

Yep, that's just what we do. Somebody else's dirty work.

This action of accusing Syria of gas attacks, and this is the third time the EU has tried this, also casts doubt on the so called "poisoning" of a former Russia secret agent and his daughter which is said to have happened on British soil. The Syrian attack is such a big lie then it stands to reason that the poisoning too is a fabrication. After all, what do we really know about any of these people? It wouldn't be out of the realm of imagination to believe that they'd go along with the gag. If they want to stay in the country and not get deported back to Russia anyway.

It's all a plot to intervene in Syria plane and simple. I had NPR on the radio and they reported that a "similar" attack had occurred last year and it was determined that gas was used. What they left out was that it was also determined that they don't know WHO actually used the gas since the "rebel freedom fighters' who oppose Assad were also in possession of a good deal of chemical weapons since they had originally taken over two thirds of the country and had ransacked Assad's armories years ago.

So the Political Left is on board, the GOP is on board and now President Trump is on board with the plan. But it's still none of their business. It amounts to an old-fashioned land grab.

This truly disgusts me. Nothing has changed in my lifetime. We still have Imperialism emanating from old Europe and they will say anything and tread on anybody they think can be had to get what they desire.

Not that I wasn't ever thinking this couldn't happen either. We can back a candidate because we feel he thinks like we do and will act like we would like them to act when they get into office. That doesn't always happen to say the least but we go along because this person still embodies most of our vision of where we want this country to go.

With me that stops at U.S. Wars of Conquest and Intervention. If Donald Trump wants to drink the intoxicating waters of the War Well then let him at it but we have no reason to be there and no right to intervene. It's a sham.

So I don't really care what happens to him anymore


Ok, the aftermath of the "strikes" which looked more like a choreographed BALLET, an expensive ballet, seems to have served as nothing more than a demonstration of U.S. precision arms. I'm no less pissed off at this bullshit but there has got to be something more to this politically beyond the feigned outrage and so I'm not ready to mail my "Trump 2016" refrigerator magnet back to Washington just yet.

But do not misconstrue, Syria is for the Syrian government to fight for. If France and England want in, let them take overt action, declare war on Syria, fight and PAY FOR their own battles. AND take responsibility for the consequences.

The United States has no business there. 

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Is U.S. Behind Latest "Gas Attack" in Syria?

What a coincidence! Just when Donald Trump announces that the United States is finally going to leave Syria, a new gas attack has suddenly been perpetrated by the dastardly Assad and his Russian and Iranian henchmen.

Yes, it's been reported that pictures of dead families foaming at the mouth are circulating around the world but where are they? There is one picture in the New York Post of two wet kids with ventilation masks and an old picture of blown up buildings from...somewhere on the New York Times. Where are these foaming mouthed dead people?

Yes, these pictures are circulating but somehow these two world-class news organizations can't seem to get their hands on ONE of them.

The timing is perfect too. If I was Assad, I would certainly pick this very moment when the United States has one foot out the door to gas people since I secretly want them to stay in my country unwanted and intervene, again, in the victory I should have had years ago.

And we call what Russia does "Propaganda". At least they're less transparent at it. This is an obvious swindle.

But any excuse will serve a Tyrant. And here we go again.

And just who got to President Trump to make him act like this has actually happened? The military industrial complex I suppose. The "War is Good Business" people who never met a conflict around the world they couldn't profit from. Or it could be the right-wing GOP with the Eisenhower complex that still practice the "Domino Theory" of foreign affairs. Who knows?  The only thing I know is that this is a lie, the last "attack" was a lie and as far as we know sitting here at home is that it's all a lie.

But the U.S. War Machine wishes to roll on so it will roll on.

Until I see live streaming video of people writhing in their foaming death throws, I'm not going to believe it since we've been lied to so much on so many occasions that I refuse to swallow any more of this Bullshit until I see some real tangible evidence.

It's not real, it never happened and President Donald Trump and his military plunderers are behind this whole charade.

Next we will be hearing from Senator John McCain saying that Donald Trump is doing the right thing by staying in Syria and knocking off Assad because of these poor freedom loving rebels, who can't afford a good marketing department, are suffering at the hands of the person who is wrongfully preventing them from establishing their own Muslim Caliphate in Syria.

Great, just great.

Instead of blaming the last, what's-his-name, for the attack, President Trump is moving to stamp his ownership of our Intervention in Syria  and should now be held totally accountable for prolonging the suffering of the people there. This conflict was none of our business in the first place and by pretending to be outraged enough to turn the Syrian civil war into a global conflict at a time when we are trying to sustain an economic upturn just doesn't make any sense.

Yes, if this laugher of a pretense is allowed to stand and the U.S. does rush troops back into the region even though the war, by all informed observation, is pretty much over and won by Assad, then the only person to blame for what results will be Donald Trump.

After all he is the President.