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Saturday, April 14, 2018

Trump Becomes G.W. Bush

Sorry, we don't need another "War President' like G.W. Bush. Granted he originally had war thrust upon him but he then turned it into a Raison D'etre and decided to keep war going as a political platform and to keep money flowing to his friends war enterprises. First President Trump signs a massive spending bill and next thing you know he's attacking Syria. Yep, he's G.W. Bush alright.

I really don't know what happens to these guys once they get in office. Bill Clinton intervened in the Bosnian conflict and messed that up and then the last president, what's his name, received a Nobel Peace Prize and then proceeded to intervene in conflicts we had no business being in. But in true fashion that a broken clock is right twice a day, he got Syria right. He stayed out of it.

Not so Donald Trump. The president who campaigned on getting us out of the Middle East keeps turning around and jumping right back in with both feet and no good reason what-so-ever.

It's France and England which covet Syria. They have their imperial plans, you know, the model they used in the previous two centuries to take over these countries and try to exploit their natural resources for their country's benefit. And in the case of Syria, it's the location they want.

So we are pretending to be the "World Police" again, this time really fabricating a very thin story line that nobody really believes just so the U.S. can lead the charge "For Duty and Humanity".

Yep, that's just what we do. Somebody else's dirty work.

This action of accusing Syria of gas attacks, and this is the third time the EU has tried this, also casts doubt on the so called "poisoning" of a former Russia secret agent and his daughter which is said to have happened on British soil. The Syrian attack is such a big lie then it stands to reason that the poisoning too is a fabrication. After all, what do we really know about any of these people? It wouldn't be out of the realm of imagination to believe that they'd go along with the gag. If they want to stay in the country and not get deported back to Russia anyway.

It's all a plot to intervene in Syria plane and simple. I had NPR on the radio and they reported that a "similar" attack had occurred last year and it was determined that gas was used. What they left out was that it was also determined that they don't know WHO actually used the gas since the "rebel freedom fighters' who oppose Assad were also in possession of a good deal of chemical weapons since they had originally taken over two thirds of the country and had ransacked Assad's armories years ago.

So the Political Left is on board, the GOP is on board and now President Trump is on board with the plan. But it's still none of their business. It amounts to an old-fashioned land grab.

This truly disgusts me. Nothing has changed in my lifetime. We still have Imperialism emanating from old Europe and they will say anything and tread on anybody they think can be had to get what they desire.

Not that I wasn't ever thinking this couldn't happen either. We can back a candidate because we feel he thinks like we do and will act like we would like them to act when they get into office. That doesn't always happen to say the least but we go along because this person still embodies most of our vision of where we want this country to go.

With me that stops at U.S. Wars of Conquest and Intervention. If Donald Trump wants to drink the intoxicating waters of the War Well then let him at it but we have no reason to be there and no right to intervene. It's a sham.

So I don't really care what happens to him anymore


Ok, the aftermath of the "strikes" which looked more like a choreographed BALLET, an expensive ballet, seems to have served as nothing more than a demonstration of U.S. precision arms. I'm no less pissed off at this bullshit but there has got to be something more to this politically beyond the feigned outrage and so I'm not ready to mail my "Trump 2016" refrigerator magnet back to Washington just yet.

But do not misconstrue, Syria is for the Syrian government to fight for. If France and England want in, let them take overt action, declare war on Syria, fight and PAY FOR their own battles. AND take responsibility for the consequences.

The United States has no business there. 

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