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Thursday, April 11, 2019

Never Forget

They were so colossal that they didn't even seem real. When seen from New Jersey, they were striking for their shear size and how they stood alone above everything else in a city of tall buildings. They were just big and square blocks but they were beautiful.

Just like all the souls that perished when they were destroyed.

When I see those images today, I feel exactly the same today as the day it happened.

I want to kill them all.

And we did that first time in Afghanistan. We killed plenty in a wide variety of ways. Then more came and we killed them too. And then they made more and we've been killing them ever since. The targets become more elusive and we become more adept at finding them. It's an ongoing battle that has changed the United States from a freewheeling democracy interested in personal freedom and how far an individual can go in life, into an armed camp brimming with costly defenses and increasing the misery index of every American. Such is our modern world of constant surveillance, wide-spread tracking and endless regulations. We used to lament that there were cameras everywhere and now we look for them everywhere to give us a sense of safety. Good luck with that.

The Twin Towers were attacked because they were the symbol of American commerce, American achievement and the freedom or our marketplace. That they were in New York City was fitting because NYC represents everything the country has to offer. And for the most part you can walk to it.

So after the Towers were destroyed by Muslim Terrorists, what does that self-absorbed lame-brain New York Mayor Micheal Bloomberg do? He turns their replacement into a stupid design contest. And the building that went up, The "Freedom Tower" looks absurd at best. It's shit.

And it only took 11 years to put it up! That's a year longer than it took to complete both of the Twin Towers.

They should have gone to city hall, gotten the old plans out of the basement and put the towers back the way they were in the same amount of time to put up.

THAT would have shown the people around the world who hate the United States for being the United States exactly how futile their efforts to destroy us was. But it didn't happen.

They did destroy us.

Now we have representatives in the United States Congress like Ilhan Omar, the US House of Representative's Jew-hating official from Minnesota who, for the life of them, will not mention what happened on 9/11 and by whom it came about. They will not acknowledge that so many people died who had nothing to do with their killer's zealous self-righteousness Islamic judgment.

And when they exhibit their callousness and disgust with the country they represent what happens? Why they are surprised by the fact that few Americans agree with them! Then they openly lament that it is THEY who are the victim of a terrible religious hatred. The majority of the people who agree with Representative Omar are the racist bastards who live in the 5th district in Minnesota and who voted her into office.

And the rest of them live in Washington DC.

We shall never accept such judgment or cynicism from anybody. Not from the former crazed mayor of New York City Micheal Bloomberg, not from the racist and America hating Rep. Omar and not from the Political Left in this country who would rather see our cities and towns over-run with the world's great unwashed than to see our own hard working, tax paying people who are not THEM succeed.

For all it's faults, the United States is still the most giving and benevolent society on the face of the Earth.

But you won't hear that from Representative Ilhan Omar or her ilk.

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