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Saturday, August 25, 2018

McCain Stops Criticizing President Trump

He never met a war he didn't like.

He was complacent and entitled.

He was gripped by ego, jealously and spite.

And more than all that, he was angry and bitter. Especially at the end.

The Buddhists would say that anger and bitterness are not emotions one wants to carry into the next life. John McCain is carrying a heavy heavy load into the Summerlands for sure.

I will forever remember John McCain as a man who put his own sense of importance above those of the American people. He didn't care who would be hurt, it was all about him and his pain. He could never put his own interests aside for the good of the country. 

When he lost his bid for president, he blamed his vice presidential nominee and when it came time to cast the deciding vote to abolish the monstrously misguided Affordable Care Act, he voted to keep it. Not because he believed it was good but because the President and the people who voted him into office, an office he could not attain, knew it was bad.

All because he HATED them.

Let us hope that he finds in his next life the peace that eluded him in this one.

The Left Continues to Hound President Trump 

The Leftist Media with their Progressive enablers have continued their offensive of manufacture and outrage at his every sentence and pronouncement regardless of the outward hypocrisy.

But it's not going to work.

Everybody knows its bullshit.

All this will succeed in doing is destabilizing the country. But the Left does not care. The ends justify the means. Facts don't matter, evidence does not matter, what the public feels does not matter. Russian collusion was never the real focus. It was all a Red Herring.

This whole thing was always about "Get Trump" and if they couldn't, let this display serve as a warning to anyone else who even THINKS they want to run for president as a Republican because you better have Big Balls in order to put up with the unheard of onslaught of hate and vitriol spewed from every orifice of the outraged entitled political Leftists in this country because this is what will happen to you too!

What matters is what THEY feel. THEY will show YOU why you were wrong in electing Donald Trump president of the United States. THEY will take over and SHOW you how THEY could have done it all better.

But they really don't know how.

I know Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

And who doesn't really? She is just another Know-Nothing Socialist who will promise you, the American "Down-trodden", the equality and "rights" you seek but has no working knowledge of how to actually reach this objective. She doesn't understand economics but she knows she doesn't have to. She is an ambitious revolutionary and all revolutionaries have to know is how to seize power. After that, the rest is gravy.

She may succeed in grabbing power but once in her hands, she will totally blow up and everyone around her will too. And she knows how weak the substance of her ideas are, hence she won't debate anybody who questions them. She can't be bothered since it's not what she's come for. She's in it for the power and she will say anything, promise everything, for a chance at it.

This is why she's already been caught out by claiming to support New York cab drivers but who uses Uber to get around NYC instead. Now that's support you can trust!

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is just another in a long line of tin-pot socialist hypocrite dictators-in-waiting from a socialist borough in socialist New York City, a city that spends so much on entitlements that people literally move there from all over the country just to get on public assistance.

Good luck to her, lets see how far she gets.

Elizabeth Warren's New Plan

Siding with illegal aliens in the wake of the Mollie Tibbetts murder was probably not the best career move for the clueless Massachusetts Senator but it's her nationalization of all businesses that make $1 Billion annually that is a real non-starter. Once a business breaks the proposed threshold, the US Federal Government would then dictate who sits on their Board of Directors! Can you believe this?

But is she really proposing such an absurd piece of legislation in order to move to the political Left of Bernie Sanders in order to make a presidential run of her own in 2020?

We'll see how her act plays on the national stage. It is my guess that the only thing anyone will be asking the Massachusetts Senator during a mythical campaign would be: "Are you really an American Indian?".

Blaming Capitalism

Capitalism is not a government. It is not an Army. Capitalism is not a Decree or Invention.

It is a Force of Nature.

It cannot be stopped, ultimately, by any government. All Socialist nations return to a market economy eventually and the only delay is that Socialist and Communist countries have to deploy people with guns to keep people from practicing what comes natural to every human being at birth; "Working to better themselves.".

No matter who you are or where in the world you live, we all want the same things: we want food and shelter, we want meaningful work so we can gain food and shelter, we want to keep our families protected and our children warm. We want to be free from harm and free to pursue a direction in life we can choose for ourselves.

Capitalism, that force of nature that people, millions of people, making personal decisions about what to do with the money they earn, makes the world go around. You stop this and the world stops.

South Africa Decides to Kill Their Economy

Another wise choice by the people of Africa who have no idea what a Democracy actually is. And this latest move will put them closer to finding out just how far from a Democracy they are.

Nobody wants to invest in a murderous Dictator. South Africa's government has fostered violence against the white farmers and seeks a "Blame Whitey" agenda for their lack of policy and wanton graft in the 24 years since they've held the reins of the government.

Here's a wild guess. If you are a poor black subsistence farmer in South Africa now, you will be a poor black subsistence farmer five years from now after the land grab. I'll bet money.

The American Leftist Press seems to be totally ok about South Africa's land grab since they helped the South African government defend their land "appropriation without compensation' against a tweet by President Trump. The irony here is that Cuba did the same thing back in 1956 to American businesses there and we've had an economic embargo on that country ever since.

Let's hope that time will not stop for South Africa like it has for Cuba, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Vietnam, and Mexico. All countries caught in a time-warp of lack of advancement.

And enlightenment.

Monday, August 6, 2018

Alex Jones is a Crazy Person

If you listen to this guy speak for 5 minutes, you just get the feeling that something is wrong with him. Sure he's "Conservative' I guess. So what? So he's a Conservative Crazy person and a self-promoting Show Boat on top of that. I don't know who he thinks he's speaking for but he's not speaking for me.

Youtube and Facebook can do what they want. If they boot Mr. Jones for content they don't like, they have every right to do so because it's THEIR site. Alex Jones doesn't pay to have his stuff on either site. It's free but it's not free because yes you can post stuff on there but if they don't like it, they can take it down. It's their site.

Alex Jones should just pony up the dough and get his own website. That way he can post all his crazy talk on his own site without further issue. That is the American Way.

I don't listen to Alex Jones because, to me, the content of his broadcasts is the ravings of a madman. He's almost as crazy as that guy Mark Levin. Levin is as Mad as a Hatter.

I can't listen to either of these guys for more than a minute. When they are on I ALMOST want to listen to a sports channel but instead I just turn the radio off.

It's like Mr. Jones and Mr. Levin want to get you into a fight. They want you to go running into the streets in outrage over the latest perceived (by them) slight. THEY are your Arbiters of Outrage. You don't have to think, let THEM tell you what to get your nose bent out of shape for. I don't know about you but I'd find this act exhausting after awhile. If I didn't think is was a put-on in the first place, which I do.

It makes me miss the late great David Brudnoy on Boston Radio station WBZ so very much. He had something neither of these guys have and that's called CLASS. He could so eloquently refer to a certain group as "Barbarians" you would just nod your head and smile because with one word, he had defined them. Friend and foe alike respected his opinion. He had well thought out ideas and logical arguments. When he made a point, you were hard pressed to talk your way out of it.

No bluster, no name calling, no grand standing, no anger and it was not an act.

In other words, everything opposite of what is going on today in the radio wars for the hearts and minds of the the voting citizen (and voting, driver's license holding non-citizen).

Today's Talk Radio

The so called Conservative radio of today is so boring. I can do a talk radio show today easy. Here's my opening line:

"Did you hear what the New York Times said about Donald Trump?"

Every phone line will light up.

"The latest from The Huffington Post will shock you!"

Call the advertisers and tell them we're raising our rates!

Anyone who calls one of these shows has rocks in their heads but apparently people have nothing better to do with their time than to wait on hold in order to be used as fodder for the host. It's their time so what can you do but marvel at the self-importance. I suggest that instead of listening to this poorly thought out ploy, the radio equivalent of click-bait, you either should go to bed with a good book or go to bed with somebody who's read one.

Go and live your life and put the phone down, cancel your Facebook page, you Linkedin page, your Twitter account and stay the hell away from social media and talk radio. You'll have so much more time for yourself and your real, live social circle.

You'll be glad you did.