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Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Nicolas Maduro Must Die!

For crimes against the Venezuelan people.

For his hit squads that have fanned out into the countryside to kill his enemies.

But he can't kill them all. He has made too many for that to work any longer.

Nicolas Maduro's time has come to pass into history the way all fanatical homicidal dictators pass. He will not be lucky enough to have a stroke like Stalin. He will be murdered. He's too much of a coward to kill himself.

The best way would be the people tearing hime apart with their bare hands. The families of his victims should have at him first.

But anyway is ok as long as he's DEAD. As dead has his predecessor Hugo Chavez who died like a dog, begging his inept Cuban physicians for his foul life. Maduro should join his murderous idol also begging for his foul life.

He should not be spared. It's too late. He's done too much and he's taken all he can and now it's time to go.

Russia Should Stay Out of it

Russia has no business in Venezuela, their impotent warnings should be ignored. Let them start something and see where it takes them. If you think the sanctions hurt now, just wait until the U.S. finds Russian actors in Venezuela. Then you'll think you all had it pretty good before.

Where's Columbia?

Columbian troops should be massed against the border and ready to go it. The Columbian government had an excuse to go in over a year ago when the refugees were streaming across the boarder but they didn't. Why? I don't know since Maduro's army would have melted like snow in the face of a military force. But it never happened.

This has all taken way too long. Nobody came to save the Venezuelans because they were all united in Socialism. Only when things really turned to shit did they want help out of the mess they made for themselves. They are all still Socialists I'll bet and just want better Socialism. But the reality is; there is no such thing as better Socialism. It's always a downward spiral into chaos. They wanted to stick it to the "Rich" but in the end, as always, they are the one's who got the short end of the stick. You can't build up a people by pulling others down.

And here we are, finally, at the bottom.

Nothing but the noose left for Nicolas.

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