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Thursday, September 27, 2018

How Low Can They Go?

Judging by the Kavanaugh Supreme Court hearings, pretty darn low.

Little should surprise the American voting public these days but the display put on this week by the "no holds barred" Leftist Democratic "leadership" if I should use so dubious a statement, has, if not unprecedented, certainly hasn't been seen around here since, since way back in October 1991!

But Charles and Diane, with a little help from kindred spirit Michael Avenatti, the attorney for Trump provocateur and part-time stripper Stormy Daniels, have managed to make Anita Hill's testimony for Clarence Thomas' hearing look like a Pillow Fight!

 There's no Crying in Politics

Nothing personal Judge Kavanaugh but you must be destroyed. You must be humiliated and torn limb from limb, pilloried, thrown to the ground, picked up and thrown to the ground again.

That's just business as usual for the Political Left these days. They weren't always like this but now they are. When they are in power, they want to stay in power and when they aren't in power, they have demonstrated in no uncertain terms this week that they will do anything to gain that power back.

Not only must they destroy this man, the way they tried to destroy Donald Trump, but they want David Kavanaugh to serve as a glowing example of what you too will face should you be foolish enough to want a piece of THEIR political pie.

You have been warned.

An Unruly Mob

To achieve this end the Leftist Democrats have abandoned reason and appears to have become an unruly mob. They don't respect presidential elections when their candidate didn't win, they don't respect the rules of Congressional conduct when a judge not of their choosing is nominated to the Supreme Court, they don't respect opposing views since their media enablers fail to post information that counters what they want you to hear and they don't respect law and order since their paid mobs assault people at Republican rallies and light fires at places where people with opposing views are invited to speak.

If they don't respect opposing views and answer with slurs, threats and violence, where does that leave you should you disagree?

You have been warned.

Who Leads the Mob?

That's easy. Ultimately nobody does. Just as the Occupy Movement dissolved into chaos, so too will Democratic Radical Rule. How can you call people who only know how to lead smear campaigns and media amplified character assassination "Leaders"?  I remember when they used to offer legislation of their own. I guess those days are over.

Is David Kavenaugh for Real?

I over heard in work today from some very liberal co-workers who could not believe that Judge Kavanaugh had kept his calendars from 38 years ago. "Who does that, who?!" they exclaimed incredulously.

Apparently over-achieving potential high court nominees do and in this case it was a good idea.

I also have a neighbor who is a Union Man and we talked about whether he believed that the Judge "Did it?" when it came to these accusations. He said he believed he did. He said that he himself was all over girls, overly aggressive, drunk, obnoxious when in high school and so he was sure that the youthful Kavanaugh did likewise. I didn't go through high school like that myself but that was the answer I expected and I got it.

I have met people like David Kavanaugh. Granted there aren't many like him and this is why he's going for the nation's Supreme Judicial Court while I'm holding on with both hands to my crumby White Collar job and my neighbor is a Union Thug.

I didn't think they were for real either but over time I realized that there certainly were uptanding people in this world, that they were genuine and reverent and that just maybe, I should look beyond my own cynicism and start trying to figure out which side of the social spectrum I fell into.

What Now? 

Judge Kavanaugh either gets confirmed or he doesn't. The usual shaky Republicans can either suck it up for the party and forget, temporarily, about garnering favorable legislation for their state by pretending to go wobbly or the can throw in with the Never Trumpers of the GOP and see where that gets them after all that has recently transpired.

But  no matter what happens with this vote, it's going to be the next vote that will be the ultimate reflection of how this latest tragic display of American Politics has been perceived by the majority of the American voting public.

What do you think they'll remember most about this?

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