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Friday, May 11, 2018

Confederate Statues Should Come Down

First of all, losers don't get statues in the United States. Nor should they. We've got plenty of winners who haven't ever gotten a statue so why did we put up these Confederate monuments? What did these guys ever win? Certainly not the war they fought in or the cause they fought it for.

There are Confederate monuments in 31 states and Washington DC. There were only 11 Southern states who seceded from the Union and fought in our War Between the States from 1860 to 1865.

What's up with that?

Then there is the timing. Although they were erected over a longer period of time, the majority of these statues went up during what is considered in U.S. history as the nadir of race relations; 1900 to 1920 a heightened period of backlash to Reconstruction in the Southern States.

The presidents at that time were Teddy Roosevelt (New York), William Howard Taft (Ohio) and that racist bastard, Woodrow Wilson (Virginia). It was Wilson who banned black people from working for the federal government, was a big fan of the Ku Klux Klan and set back race relations in this country decades. It was said that Jackie Robinson wasn't the first black man to play professional baseball but the first black man to come BACK to professional baseball. There were previously integrated professional baseball teams prior to the national banishment. Certainly another black eye in American history.

So it is an open secret that these monuments to the "Principles of the South" were only put up to remind newly free Black Americans fighting for equality in this nation that "Whitey still ruled da house!" plane and simple and this should not stand in these United States 153 years after the end of the Civil War.

For example, there is Robert E. Lee. This guy blew the war! Against Mr. Timid, Northern General George B. McClellan, who was reluctant to fight, General Lee built his reputation as a brilliant tactician. But he was wasteful of his limited resources and never tried to conserve them. He wasted his men in battle charges and then his ego finally got the better of him. He lost the war for the South at Gettysburg and drove a nail into its coffin by ordering the legendary Picket's Charge.

For this Robert E. Lee gets a statue? And not just one in his home town, he gets a lot of statues all over the place.

There are a few of these I have seen that literally dwarf the statue of George Washington in Boston's Public Garden which commemorates his Excellency's ride into the city to take command of the revolutionary forces there. And all he ever did was win the Revolutionary War and become the first President of the United States! Washington, in reality, was everything Lee was not. He was a winner.

It's time we stopped treating black people like they don't belong here and can't compete with the rest of the peoples of this nation. They have fought in all our wars and have longer lineage in this country than most of the people living here today. We should not expect less from them than anybody else and we certainly shouldn't be assisting them over others also. What we owe people in this country is a level playing field. The State can't make you equal. It's a mindset.

And as part of this mindset of equality, these Monuments to Racism should be done away with. They are a sham and we know it. The people trying to keep them also know it. That's not the point is it? "No group of Darkies is going to tell US to take these statues down!"

That's the point.

Yes, we still have a long way to go but this is an important step in the right direction. It's just another battle in a long war, like holding onto our founding liberties, they are never decisively won but fought for daily. This is something all people have in common.

But the momentum is growing and the way is clear. It will be hard for the defenders of these 700 insults across the nation to defend them.

Take them all down since after all,

they're Losers.

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